The Second World War was one of the most significant periods
of the 20th century. On February 19, 1945, United States Marines and
Navy Corpsmen began the invasion of Iwo Jima, a fierce battle against Japan
which resulted in nearly 7,000 Americans who died and some 21,000 who were
wounded in battle. Joseph (Joe) Rosenthal shared courage under fire with
soldiers and Marines as a war correspondent during World War II. On the morning
of February 23, 1945, Joe climbed Mt. Suribachi during the Battle of Iwo Jima,
and took arguably the most famous photograph in history – the photograph of six
United State Marines raising the American flag atop Mt. Suribachi.
This historic photograph measurably lifted the morale of an
American population frustrated in 1945 by the continuing struggle and human
cost of World War II, and captured the heart and soul of Americans on the home
front and gave meaning to the sacrifices Americans experienced in the world’s
greatest conflict. In the spring of 1945 Joe Rosenthal was awarded the Pulitzer
Prize, which marked the first and only time the prize was awarded to a photo
made in the same year.
The Joe Rosenthal Chapter of the United State Marines Corps
Combat Correspondents Association launched a petition to encourage the United
State Secretary of the Navy to name a ship for Joe Rosenthal, in honor of the
lasting memorial he contributed to those who faced the ultimate sacrifice in
defending America. The online petition for this undertaking can be viewed and
signed at USSJoe.org.
The Alameda County Board of Supervisors recognized the
significance of this photograph and the efforts of the Joe Rosenthal Chapter by
endorsing the campaign at the Board of Supervisors meeting on February 21,
2017. The full resolution may be read here. The Raising of
the Flag at Iwo Jima by six U.S. Marines demonstrates the spirit of teamwork
that makes America exceptional, and District 2 is proud to support the efforts
to memorialize Joe Rosenthal.
Thank you,
 This month’s spotlight we highlight the Ad Hoc Committee on Immigrant and Refugee Rights as we gear up for our first community meeting to hear recommendations on how Alameda County can become the "Welcoming County" we aspire to be.
The Alameda County Board of
Supervisors' Ad Hoc Committee on Immigrant and Refugee Rights is hosting a
community meeting on Saturday, March 11 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Ruggieri Senior
Center in Union City located at 33997 Alvarado- Niles Road Union City, CA 94587.
Supervisor Valle and
Supervisor Chan will be leading a conversation about the County's commitment to
uphold the rights of all community members irrespective of their immigration
status. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in an
"Immigrant Know Your Rights" workshop and to consult one on one with an immigration attorney.
Translation, breakfast and
snacks will be provided.
Please RSVP to Cinthya
Munoz Ramos at 510.891.8933 or Cinthya.MunozRamos@acgov.org
More than ever, immigrants and families will need experienced
and qualified attorneys to fight against the Trump administration’s executive
orders and policies of deportation and detention. Simultaneously there is an
urgent need for a meaningful rapid response network to make sure the community
is aware of their rights and can access counsel. Several East Bay organizations
have joined together to form the Alameda County Immigration Legal &
Education Partnership (ACILEP). The partnership will house removal defense
immigration attorneys at both Centro Legal de la Raza and the Alameda County
Office of the Public Defender. These attorneys will work closely with rapid
responders at the following community based organizations: Black Alliance for
Just Immigration, California Immigrant Youth Justice Alliance, Causa Justa/Just
Cause,The Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity, Mujeres Unidas y Activas,
Oakland Community Organizations, Street Level Health, and Vietnamese American
Community Center of the East Bay.
ACILEP will provide
critical legal and support services to Alameda County families facing the
immediate threat of separation due to deportation. If you’ve seen Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) in
action, suspect ICE activity in progress, or if you or someone you know has
been detained by ICE call (510)241-4011
for rapid response and legal services. Please note the hotline is open 24 hours and able to serve
people in multiple languages.

Union City Kids Zone's Open House Celebration
will be on Saturday, March 25, 2017 from 11 a.m. –3 p.m. at the UCKZ-Barnard
White Middle School campus at 725 Whipple Road, Union City. It will be an
outdoor event if weather permits it.
Come learn more about Union City Kids' Zone & Partner services. The free resource fair will entail a festive atmosphere, with live music, student performances,
hands-on activities, food, and more. This is
a great opportunity to connect with the community and see what resources are available to you.
Please contact Kids Zone if you have any questions at (510)471-2770.

Construction has begun on the rebuild of the Sunol Corporation Yard. Owned by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, the corporation yard is located at the corner of Pleasanton Sunol Road and Niles Canyon Road and is the hub of operations for the operation of our East Bay Regional Water System. Approximately 75 to 90 (season depending) personnel work at the yard. The majority of personnel have temporarily moved to the nearby Sunol Golf Course for the duration of construction.
The Sunol Yard was dilapidated and in need of a rebuild. The work to construct new shops, administrative buildings, and other work locations has begun.
What:Construction begun at the SFPUC’s Corporation Yard
Why:The buildings in the yard were substandard and in need of replacement in order to better maintain the Hetch Hetchy Regional Water System.
Where:On SFPUC-owned property near the Sunol Water Temple, at the corner of Niles Canyon Road and Pleasanton Sunol Road.
What you should know:
- Usual Work hours are 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
- There will be no public access to the Sunol Water Temple during construction.
- It is important to note: Sunol AgPark tenants, school groups, and others with appointments will have limited access.
- Construction of the Yard is anticipated to be complete in 2018.
- Members of the public might see increased traffic going into and out of the Sunol Yard during this time.
Questions? blauppe@sfwater.org Toll free: (866)973-1476
 Applications are now being accepted for
temporary & seasonal positions with the Union City Community & Recreation
Services Department. Deadline to apply for most positions is FRIDAY, APRIL
7, 2017.
Any unfilled positions will stay
open until filled. Interviews for all positions will be conducted during the
months of April and May. Applicants will be required to attend pre-summer
training and orientation. Summer positions begin in June and end in August.
In addition to any specific qualifications, all positions will require
fingerprinting, a current TB test, and be in possession of CPR, AED & First
Aid certifications by first day of employment.
REQUIREMENTS: All positions require certain physical abilities which may
include occasional to frequent standing, sitting, walking, reaching, twisting,
turning, kneeling, bending, squatting, stooping, running and climbing in the
performance of daily activities as well as the ability to withstand working in
an outdoor environment with exposure to sun, dust, wind, pollen and vegetation.
Positions may also require physical coordination, repetitive movements, and the
ability to lift and carry up to 50 pounds.
APPLICATIONS: Applications may be obtained at the Holly Community
Center, 31600 Alvarado Blvd.; Union City Sports Center, 31224 Union City Blvd.;
Ruggieri Senior Center, 33997 Alvarado-Niles Road or download a copy
at www.UnionCity.org or
click the link at the bottom of this listing. For more information or to have
an application mailed to you, call (510) 675-5488 or (510) 675-5329. Center
Hours are 9 a.m. – 12 noon, and 1 - 4 p.m., Monday – Friday (closed every other
Friday). Please mail applications to Union City Leisure Services, 34009
Alvarado-Niles Road, Union City, CA 94587.
Please note: To ensure proper routing, all submitted applications should
include interested position title and program area.
Full Job Announcement (PDF Download) City Application (PDF)
 The US Air Force Band of the Golden West will present a FREE concert at Las Positas College by The Concert Band. This family-friendly event is open to the public and will take place in March at the following location:
March 13th, 6 p.m., Doors open at 5:30 p.m.
Las Positas College, 4000 Las Positas College, Livermore, CA 94551
REGISTER HERE FOR FREE tickets. Print your tickets via eventbrite, or reserve them by calling Veterans First Program, (925) 424-1570, or visit Las Positas College Veterans First Office located at Bldg 1310 Las Positas College, Livermore, CA 94551. You will need a ticket to enter. For more information, please call (925) 424-1570 or visit www.laspositascollege.edu/veterans.
The Concert Band is comprised of nearly 50 musicians and is the largest performing ensemble within the United States Air Force Band of the Golden West. It has performed for thousands of listeners in live concert appearances and for millions worldwide via its numerous recordings and television and radio broadcasts. Throughout its history, the Concert Band has collaborated with some of America's leading band conductors, receiving enthusiastic critical acclaim as one of premier musical organizations of its kind.
District 2 Office is happy to announce the appointment of Nzingha Johnson to
serve on the Sunol Citizens Advisory Council. Nzingha replaces Donn Lobdell. Donn served Sunol well for the past 3 years, forming the Citizens
Traffic Committee. We thanks Don for his service to the community. Nzingha is a
recent graduate with a Bachelors of Science in Animal Science with a Minor in
Genetics. Nzingha has been active in Sunol volunteering with the Sunol Fire
Safe Coalition and participating in local meetings. Please join us in welcoming
Nzingha Johnson to the Sunol CAC!
 The Board of Supervisors encourage citizen involvement and expertise
through a variety of boards and commissions, to advise them on a wide range of
issues affecting their constituencies and to assure they are responsive to
community needs. District 2 currently has a vacancy on the following
Sunol Citizen's Advisory Council (SCAC)
The Sunol Citizen's Advisory Council (SCAC) was established to
provide increased community involvement in decision making and governance. The
Council will advise the Board of Supervisors on all matters concerning services
which are or may be provided to Sunol by the County or other local governmental
agencies, including but not limited to advice on matters of public safety,
welfare, public works, and planning. Meetings are the 3rd Wednesday of
every month, 7:00 p.m. at Sunol Elementary School. Members must be
residents of Sunol who live in District 2.
To Apply: To apply to serve on the Sunol Citizens Advisory Council click here
Paratransit Advisory and Planning Committee
The PAPCO advises Alameda CTC
on the development and implementation of paratransit programs, including a
grant program. The mission of the Alameda County Transportation Commission
(Alameda CTC) is to plan, fund and deliver transportation programs and projects
that expand access and improve mobility to foster a vibrant and livable Alameda
County. Community advisory committees make recommendations to the Alameda CTC,
keep a close eye on transportation improvements, engage project sponsors and
community members. and make decisions on transportation funding for seniors and
people with disabilities.
The group meets on the fourth
Monday of the month, from 1 to 3:30 p.m. Meetings are open to the public.
Apply: Click Here to for a link to the application
and for membership requirements