The 1st Avenue Citizens’ Corridor Planning Task Force is scheduled to hold its first meeting ahead of design for the 1st Avenue Improvement Project from Grant Road to River Road.
The 1st Avenue design process will be overseen by the Task Force, which is composed of people who live, work, or own a business/property on or near 1st Avenue. This group travels along 1st Avenue daily and can represent the interests of transit users, pedestrians, and bicyclists along the corridor.
Task Force Meeting Thursday, June 27, 2024 5:30 to 7 p.m. Woods Memorial Library 3455 N 1st Avenue
This meeting is open to the public and will include a Call to the Audience, where the public is encouraged to provide comments. Members of the Task Force may not discuss items that are not specifically identified on the agenda.
This project includes a new bridge over the Rillito River, reconstructed four lane roadway, continuous and accessible sidewalks, enhanced bicycle facilities, drainage improvements, and upgraded traffic signals. The project aims to improve safety along this corridor while adding better connections and improving active transportation, walking, and cycling.
The task force will meet regularly with the project team to help provide feedback and identify areas of concern and opportunity.
To learn more about this project visit: https://dtmprojects.tucsonaz.gov/pages/first-avenue
For accommodations, materials in accessible formats, and/or materials in alternate languages, please contact Laura Rios at laura.rios@hdrinc.com or call 520.584.3692 for arrangements. Meeting site is accessible.
The Regional Transportation Authority, a political subdivision of the state and independently governed, has invested more than $1.4 billion in transportation projects and services to improve mobility, safety, economic vitality and quality of life in the region. The RTA collects a half-cent excise (sales) tax from its special taxing district within Pima County to fund its 20-year regional transportation plan. The plan and tax were approved by voters in May 2006. The 1st Avenue Improvement Project is part of the RTA plan and is managed by the City of Tucson. For more information, visit www.RTAmobility.com