Tucson NewsNet Daily Digest - A Service of the City of Tucson
BALLOTS ARE IN THE MAIL TODAY FOR CITY ELECTION - The Tucson City Clerk's Office is starting to mail ballots to registered voters for the May 17 Special Election for Proposition 411. The City is asking voters to extend the existing temporary half-cent sales tax that was approved by voters in 2017 and expires this year. If passed, the funds generated would be invested to improve every local neighborhood street in Tucson over the next 10 years. It would also fund street safety projects that benefit all users and modes, such as bicycle and pedestrian safety improvements, sidewalks, lighting, traffic signal technology, and traffic-calming infrastructure. All pertinent information about the election is available online in "The Choice is Yours" publicity pamphlet linked below. The publication also was mailed to registered voters last week. "The Choice is Yours" (PDF) Proposition 411
MASKS NO LONGER REQUIRED ON PUBLIC TRANSIT IN TUCSON - After the federal mask requirement for transit was voided by a federal judge this week, Sun Tran, Sun Van, Sun Link, and Sun Shuttle are no longer required to enforce mask wearing for riders of the transit system. Although masks are no longer required, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continues to recommend wearing a mask while using public transit, and it also urges passengers to respect those who choose to continue wearing masks. Passengers can request a mask at one of the transit center information booths. Sun Tran/Sun Link/Sun Van/Sun Shuttle CDC
CITY HOSTS EARTH DAY CLEANUP - Join Tucson Mayor Regina Romero, in partnership with Ward 6 and the City Manager’s Office, for a special Earth Day "Team Up to Cleanup" event Friday, April 22, to beautify Arcadia Wash. The cleanup will take place at 201 N. Woodland Vista, from 8-10 a.m. With the support of Tucson Parks and Recreation and Tucson Clean & Beautiful, volunteers will be outfitted with gloves, shovels, trash bags, and high-visibility vests and other resources for litter pickup, buffelgrass removal, weed control, and graffiti abatement. Please bring a water bottle, wear sun protection, and dress appropriately, as you will be in contact with tall grass, trees, and possible debris. T-shirts, stickers, and other giveaways will be available. Please register at the link below. Register to help with the cleanup Facebook Event Page
MEET WITH A BUSINESS NAVIGATOR - Business navigators from the Office of Economic Initiatives began visiting ward offices earlier this month to offer services directly to business owners. Office hours began April 11 at Ward 1 and at Ward 3 on April 14. Ward 1 will host regular office hours with a navigator from 1 to 4 p.m. on the second Monday of the month, and Ward 3 hours will be 9 a.m. to noon, on the second Thursday of the month. Ward 5 will hold office hours starting April 27, from 1-4 p.m., continuing on the fourth Wednesday of the month. Ward 2 will begin office hours May 11, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., continuing on the second Wednesday of the month. Hours at Wards 4 and 6 will be scheduled shortly. Business owners may meet directly with a business navigator to ask questions and receive guidance on topics such as licenses, permits, funding, and more. Navigators assist by connecting business owners with community resources and by helping them develop specific goals and actions to move their business forward. Office of Economic Initiatives (ConnectTucson)
PET CONNECTION: OLDER DOGS (VIDEO) - Are you looking for a pet that is potty trained, not very destructive, and is laid back? Pima Animal Care Center (PACC) says older dogs may be the ideal choice because most times, there is plenty of history about them. PACC's Nikki Reck explains another perk of adopting an older dog is that those five years old and up are free. Watch the video PACC