Neighborhood Nugget: Take a quick survey to share your thoughts on virtual public meetings

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Please Share Your Thoughts on Virtual Public Meetings by Taking a Quick Survey

Here is the survey link, and below is a brief explanation.

For the past year, the City Planning and Development Services Department (PDSD), along with other departments, has held Board, Commission, and Committee meetings and other public meetings virtually.  These meetings have had stronger attendance by the public than many previous in-person meetings.  However, we know that participation works best when attendees have access to a computer and the Internet, and we are aware that many members of our community do not have either. Therefore, the results of the survey will be used in considering how to make public meetings as accessible as possible for as many people as possible going forward.  This, for instance, might include, developing an approach that is a hybrid of virtual and in-person meetings.

Thank you in advance for taking time to complete the survey.