Transportation Talk | April 2022

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Director's Message

It’s heating up outside. Please ensure that you are protected with the appropriate clothing, hats, sunscreen etc. and drink plenty of water. 

We continue in our quest to fill our vacant positions. Thanks to Diana Aguero and all those who are working hard to make this happen. 

I’ve been getting out with staff in the field which I enjoy very much. Thanks to the staff I have visited with so far, with more to come.

I hope you all enjoyed the nice weather. Be safe.

Our goal is to make sure you go home in the same condition you arrived!

RJ Zeder

Upcoming Dates:

  • April 28 - Transportation Give Back Day - House of Refuge
  • May 8 - Happy Mother's Day
  • May 30 - Memorial Day (Paid Holiday)
  • June 19 - Happy Father's Day
  • June 15 - Monsoon Season Begins
  • July 4 - Independence Day (Paid Holiday)


Happy Birthday


  • Tricia Boyer - 4/8
  • Mitch Luther - 4/10
  • Christopher Hansen - 4/10
  • Jeff Monnin - 4/12
  • Charles Freeman - 4/16
  • Mary Croft - 4/23
  • Christina Haase - 4/26


  • Brooks Gillespie - 5/1
  • Scott Darnell - 5/5
  • Steve Brindis - 5/7
  • Spencer Mohr - 5/7
  • David Rico - 5/13
  • Ted Pearson - 5/14
  • Brian Wood - 5/15
  • Vincent Bruno - 5/23
  • James Crane - 5/24
  • Joshua Houy - 5/26
  • Kendall Watson - 5/31

Years of Service

Ray Olguin - 25 Years

John McClendon - 17 Years

Tricia Boyer - 10 Years

Mike Sowers - 10 Years

Eddie Black - 8 Years

Erik Guderian - 7 Years

Ray Martinez - 7 Years

Brandon Gawthorp - 6 Years

Daniel Villalobos - 5 Years

Ted Pearson - 3 Years

Mark Tackett - 1 Year

Charles Freeman - 1 Year

Thank you

Thank You Admin Staff!

Wednesday, April 27th is 

National Administrative

Professionals Day!

Holly and Daniele

During our staff shortage, Holly and Daniele have been tremendous with stepping-up to cover what normally takes a team of four while keeping smiles on their faces! 

Here’s a little bit about Holly and Daniele:

Holly Snyder was hired November 2020, and since then she has formed great professional relationships within Transportation and throughout the City! Citizens have even called in to praise her customer service skills! She's always cheerful and gets along well with everyone she communicates with.

Daniele Darnell has been a Mesa employee since 2005. She's fiscally responsible, always looking for ways to save money. Daniele has a wealth of knowledge about the department and the City! She was responsible for coordinating our recent department holiday party, and with Holly’s assistance, the function was a huge success.

Thank you! You're an essential piece to helping our department run smoothly everyday.

HR Update

  • Phase 3 (Self-Appraisal) – Employees need to Complete by 5/5/22
  • Phase 4 (Performance Appraisal) – Supervisors need to Complete Phase 4.1 by 6/2/22

Phase 3 (Self-Appraisal) Information: Please note, Phase 2 must be complete before the employee can begin Phase 3.

Phase 4 (Performance Appraisal) Information: The application will not allow the rater/supervisor to begin Phase 4 (Performance Appraisal) until the employee completes Phase 3 (Self-Appraisal).  

Supervisors should have Phase 4.1 completed by June 2, 2022 to ensure enough time to route for approvals, meet with employee, and allow employee to add final comments and complete by the Phase 4 deadline. Please allow sufficient time to complete all steps of Phase 4 by taking into account pre-planned vacations, unexpected absences due to various reasons, etc.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email  

Community Link

Transportation Volunteer

"Give Back Day" This Thursday

House of Refuge Logo

On Thursday, April 28th - 11 a.m.- 2 p.m. we will be volunteering at the House of Refuge in Mesa. The House of Refuge provides safe, stable housing to families who are experiencing homelessness. This is a fun, team-building activity where we volunteer in the community together while on the clock. Please talk with your supervisor and sign-up for a fun afternoon with our team.

Sign up here: Transportation Gives Back Day.  Contact Cassie Robles with questions. 

Safety Reminder - Work Zone Awareness

Crack and Seal

National Work Zone Awareness Week happened in April, with a focus on keeping construction workers safe on the road. Read more here for safety tips for workers (and drivers) on the road.

April Events


CycloMesa on April 2nd

CycloMesa 2

Celebrate Mesa long shot

Thanks to our volunteers at

Celebrate Mesa on April 9th

Streetlights Celebrate Mesa

ITS Celebrate Mesa

Bike Ped Team

Bike2Work Day was April 20th

The Bike-Pedestrian Team put the event together for all City of Mesa employees as part of Arizona Bike Month.


Bike2Work Day

Thank You for keeping Mesa's roads safe!

Riddle -

Email the correct answer to Cassie to be entered into a drawing.