Return to Post-COVID Workplace

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Joy Rich

Hello colleagues,

The pandemic has changed workplaces around the globe forever.  Organizations like ours have learned to do our jobs in new ways, in new places, with new technology.  In doing so, we have maintained our high standard of customer service and professionalism.  That’s a testament to all of you.  I’m incredibly proud.

So where do we go from here?

Our recent employee survey found 97.5% of staff who teleworked want the option to work remotely, in some way, going forward.  We also heard from essential workers for whom teleworking may not be possible, and they want flexible options, too.

The county leadership team heard this message loud and clear.  As we build the workforce of tomorrow, today, we will be offering more flexibility at work in addition to other generous benefits so that we can attract and retain top-notch talent and be competitive with other government agencies as well as private companies.  While “how” we work might change, what doesn’t change is our commitment to exceptional customer service.  Our residents come first, always.

Here are our plans for a post-COVID workplace:

  • Department heads will create new hybrid work models, with a menu of options for their teams including office work, remote work, alternative schedules, and flexible hours. As a reminder, not all jobs are teleworking jobs; some must be done at the office, during normal business hours, to best serve our residents.
  • Managers and supervisors will decide what works best for their teams, based on business needs. I am not going to be prescriptive here, knowing that operations vary greatly by department. 
  • All staff are expected to provide timely, exceptional service wherever they perform their work and whatever their schedule looks like.

This gradual transition begins now.  Teleworking staff who want to return to the workplace may do so , in consultation with their supervisor.  In the beginning, we will have some limits on capacity.  For example, through May 31st, we’re looking at a 25% in-office capacity, increasing to 50% capacity from June 1 – July 31st. Beginning in August, the hybrid work model will be fully implemented.

Joy's Message


As always, we will rely on guidance from our Public Health professionals in weighing risks posed by COVID-19 and adjust, if necessary.  Your health and safety is our priority, so we will continue to require masks for staff working on-site within six feet of others.

I find in-person collaboration to be an important and meaningful part of my job.  I’m looking forward to more of us getting to see one another in the days ahead.

I also want to support staff who work remotely, or those who manage remote workers.  That’s why our HR team has put together trainings in the HUB to help you be your best.  You can learn:

  • How to be part of and lead a remote team
  • How to increase productivity
  • How to effectively use tools like Microsoft Teams

Change can be exciting or scary, but it is inevitable.  I’m personally excited about what’s next for our organization.  I’m excited because the past year has shown me that our staff meets challenges head on.  I trust you will continue to serve our residents well as we build the Maricopa County of tomorrow.
