On Wednesday, November 6, 2024, the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors took the following actions:
- Adopted incorporations of federal regulations relating to New Source Performance Standards, National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants, Acid Rain, and other parts of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations into the following rules:
- Rule 360 (New Source Performance Standards)
- Rule 370 (Federal Hazardous Air Pollutant Program)
- Rule 371 (Acid Rain)
- Appendix G (Incorporated Materials)
- Adopted revisions to Rule 510 (Air Quality Standards)
The newly adopted versions of the above rules, as well as the Notices of Final Rulemaking, are now available on the department's "Adopted Rules" web page.
Thank you for your interest in the rulemaking process.