The Maricopa County Air Quality Department (MCAQD) posted a Notice of Stakeholder Workshop and draft Rule 203 (Emission Reduction Credit (ERC) General Requirements) on the Maricopa County Enhanced Regulatory Outreach Program website. The purpose of the workshop is to discuss the proposed creation of Maricopa County Air Pollution Control Regulations, Rule 203.
The workshop will be held remotely on July 8, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. utilizing Go-To-Webinar. Register ahead of time to join the workshop by computer or phone.
If you have any questions regarding the workshop, please call 602-506-6010 or email AQPlanning@Maricopa.Gov.
MCAQD will take reasonable measures to provide access to department services to individuals with limited ability to speak, write, or understand English and/or to those with disabilities. Requests for language interpretation services or for disability accommodations must be made at least 48 hours in advance by contacting: 602-506-6443.
MCAQD tomará las medidas necesarias para brindar acceso a los servicios del departamento a personas que no dominan el idioma inglés y/o personas con discapacidades. Las solicitudes de servicios de interpretación de otro idioma o adaptaciones para discapacitados deben realizarse con al menos 48 horas de anticipación comunicándose con: 602-506-6443.