The appeals court ruling affirms what we have known to be true for months. To quote the Court, "Lake presented no evidence that voters whose ballots were unreadable by on-site tabulators were not able to vote." As we have said, every valid vote was counted in a midterm election that saw near-record turnout.
Further, "Lake suggests the difference between the County Recorder’s initial estimate of election-day early ballot packets received... somehow rendered at least 25,000 votes illegal. Questionable mathematics aside, Lake does not explain (or offer any legal basis) for how the difference between an initial estimate and a final, precise figure invalidates any vote."
When a candidate for office asks a court to throw out valid votes, you have to wonder how committed to election integrity they really are.
While Kari Lake and her legal team continue to find success getting their disproven theories of election malfeasance parroted by friendly media sources and some elected officials, there are two places where she has not succeeded: at the polls, when Arizona voters rejected her bid to be Governor, and in a court of law, where her many claims have been dismissed again and again. These, unfortunately for her, are the only two places that matter.