Enviro~Connections ALERT (November 2, 2021)

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ESD Large

November 2, 2021


About Us

Maricopa County Environmental Services provides essential, regional environmental services seeking to prevent and remove environmental health risks. The Department’s Environmental Health Specialists and Field Technicians are in the community every day making sure that among other things, food in all the eating and drinking establishments in the County is protected from contamination, that water supplies throughout the County are safe to drink, and that vector borne health illnesses and risks are minimized. It is our belief that with continued support, future generations will reap the benefits of today’s actions.

Need assistance en Español or in 中文 for your food related business?


Nuestros representantes o enlaces para negocios hispanos de venta de alimentos están disponibles para asistirles entendiendo las necesidades culturales de su negocio y asistiéndoles en su idioma.

Do you need to make sure that your ethnic foods meet Maricopa County Health Code standards? Our language liaisons are available to assist you!

Chinese Words


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REMINDER: Maricopa County Adopts the 2017 FDA Food Code

Learn More at the Next  Training Session This Week

FDA - 2017 Food Code

Maricopa County Environmental Services Department (MCESD) completed the Enhanced Regulatory Outreach Process (EROP) for some proposed changes to the Maricopa County Environmental Health Code (MCEHC). These changes include the adoption of the 2017 FDA Food Code by reference, to replace the 2103 FDA Food Code, and changes/clarifications to the MCEHC. These items were approved by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors on October 6, 2021. The Department will provide education and training to stakeholders and our staff in November and December of 2021. Documenting new code violations on health inspections is expected to begin in January of 2022. Highlights of the proposed changes are provided below.

2017 FDA Food Code Incorporation by Reference

  • 2-102.12 & 2-102.20 The Person in Charge shall be a Certified Food Protection Manager (CFPM) and is required to be onsite during the hours of operation.
  • 2-501.11 Food establishments shall have written procedures for the clean-up of vomiting and diarrheal events​.
  • 3-401.11 (A)(2) Amends cooking time for ratites, tenderized and injected meats, comminuted fish and meats from 15 seconds to 17 seconds​.
  • 3-401.11 (A)(3) Decreases cooking times for poultry, wild game animals, stuffed foods or stuffing containing fish from 15 seconds to <1 (instantaneous)​.
  • 3-401.13 Replaces the term “fruits and vegetables” with the term “plant foods.” ​
  • 8-404.11 Adds new exception criteria indicating that the regulatory authority may agree to continuing operations during an extended water or electrical outage if written plans have been approved by the regulatory authority.
FDA - 2017 Food Code (a)

MCEHC Chapters I, VII, VIII, X, and XIII.

  • An approved inspection to operate and payment of fees is required before a permit is considered valid.
  • Removing hearings before the Environmental Health Officer (where not required by statute or another regulation) and adding a third-party hearing officer.
  • Updating references for plumbing codes and statutes for consistency with other county departments.
  • Deleting a mechanical code reference that has been repealed.
  • Updating frozen dessert pasteurization requirements to match the state code.
  • Allowing for the operation of a shared facility without the need for a secondary commissary permit.
  • Incorporating requirements for the manufacture of frozen desserts in retail food establishments.
  • Providing a new owner transition option for schools and public accommodations.
  • Removing language that conflicts with the 2017 FDA Food Code regarding the Certified Food Protection Manager being onsite.

For a detailed description of the proposed changes, visit our Maricopa County website, at MCEHC 2021 Changes. Visit the U.S. Food & Drug Administration’s (FDA) website, at Summary of Changes between the 2013 and 2017 Food Code (fda.gov), for a summary of changes in the 2017 Food Code.

Virtual Training Sessions:

Stakeholders Virtual Training

The next training session will also be held virtually with GoToMeeting. 

New to GoToMeeting?

Get the app now or you may attend online, with no download needed, from your web browser. Make sure to be ready when your meeting starts: https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/815702789

Thursday November 4, 2021 at 2:00pm

Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.


You can also dial in using your phone. (For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.)

United States: +1 (646) 749-3122 - One-touch: tel:+16467493122,,815702789#

Access Code: 815-702-789

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