The Maricopa County Stormwater Program would like to inform you of upcoming changes to the process for stormwater management permits at construction sites. Effective July 1, 2020, the Planning and Development Department will issue and inspect all pre-construction stormwater permits. Stormwater permits are currently issued by the Environmental Services Department. This enhancement will increase efficiency for customers, as the stormwater permit will now be coordinated with all other construction permits on the site. The drainage reviewer familiar with the project will also review the stormwater plan, and the project drainage inspector will conduct inspections of BMP’s in conjunction with standard drainage inspections.
- Applications can be submitted electronically; click to view instructions
- Minimum submittal and design requirements will not change.
- The Environmental Services Department will still manage the County’s Stormwater Program, including post-construction monitoring permits.
- Information about the Maricopa County Stormwater Quality Program, including which projects require stormwater permits, can be found here
If you have any questions on this revised process, please contact the Planning and Development Department at 602-506-3301 and ask to speak to an on-call engineer.