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This week has been designated in Phoenix and Maricopa County as Stormwater Awareness Week.
Stormwater runoff is generated when rain and/or snowmelt flows over land and surfaces such as concrete driveways, sidewalks, streets, parking lots and rooftops, and does not percolate into the ground.This excess water typically ends up in a nearby lake, stream, or river.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has estimated that over 30% of pollutants in our nation's waters are the result of stormwater runoff.
Maricopa County manages the Stormwater Quality Program, which is responsible for preventing pollution to the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System. To find out more, click here
If a construction site is located in the Urbanized Area of Unincorporated Maricopa County and will disturb one or more acres, or is less than one acre but is part of a larger plan of development, Stormwater Plan approval from Maricopa County is required prior to the start of land disturbance. Urbanized Area of Unincorporated Maricopa (PDF)
In accordance with the requirements of Arizona Pollutant Discharge Elimination System General Permit for Discharge from Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) to Waters of the United States (permit no. AZG2002-002), Maricopa County Environmental Services Department has prepared a Stormwater Management Plan Annual Report for submittal to the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality. The County’s Stormwater Management Plan Annual Report is now available for the public and stakeholders' review. Click here or on the image below to access the presentation.
We all can do our part in protecting the quality of the stormwater runoff.
Here below are some simple steps everyone should follow every day to prevent stormwater pollution:
- Wash your car in the grass, or take to a commercial car wash
- Clean up after your pet
- Put trash and recyclables in their place
- Place your cigarette butts in the proper receptacle
- Apply lawn-chemicals sparingly and follow-manufacturer's directions
- Compost yard & grass clippings
- Check your vehicles for leaks and repair them
- Properly dispose of leftover paint and household chemicals at a household hazardous waste event
- Remember! Don't dump anything down a storm drain or drainage ditch
- The pollution you prevent today, will protect your drinking water supply tomorrow
The Environmental Services Department's Stormwater Quality Outreach Program works to raise awareness of stormwater runoff, offer solutions to runoff pollution, and to protect our drinking and recreational water.
Our outreach staff are available to deliver hands-on stormwater quality programs directly to your school, library, community center, or other educational venue within Maricopa County.
For more stormwater tips and information, don't forget to Like and Follow our different Environmental Services Department's social media platforms (listed further below).
During Stormwater Awareness Week, several hashtags will be used by Maricopa County and other municipalities and agencies to connect you with more information: #StormwaterAwarenessWeek #StormwaterWeek #Stormwater
You may also visit:
To learn more about our Maricopa County Stormwater Quality Program, please visit:
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