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Westbound Collector-Distributor (CD) Road Scheduled to Open Monday, Aug. 19
If you use westbound Interstate 10 to enter or exit the freeway between Baseline Road and 40th Street, your route may change starting Monday, Aug. 19. Westbound I-10 will be closed between Loop 202 (Santan/South Mountain Freeway) and I-17 from 10 p.m. Friday, Aug. 16, to 4 a.m. Monday, Aug. 19 so crews can open the westbound Collector-Distributor (CD) road. Beginning Monday, Aug. 19, westbound I-10 drivers will exit westbound I-10 south of Baseline Road and get onto the westbound CD road to access US 60, Broadway Road, State Route 143, Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport and 40th Street. There will also be a dedicated lane from westbound US 60 to access the westbound CD road. To learn how the CD roads work and how to access common destinations using them, visit https://i10broadwaycurve.com/findyourlane/.
The westbound CD road, shown in blue here, will reduce the need for vehicles to weave between lanes and will help keep traffic flowing on I-10.
Big Changes at the SR 143 and I-10 Interchange
There are significant changes occurring at the SR 143 and I-10 interchange in August. The new eastbound I-10 ramp to northbound SR 143 and the new eastbound I-10 off-ramp at Broadway Road opened earlier this month. The new southbound SR 143 flyover ramp to eastbound I-10 is scheduled to open in late August. Currently, crews are reconstructing the eastbound I-10 off-ramp at 48th Street. They expect to open the new ramp in late 2024.
Several SR 143 ramp changes are occurring in August.
Long-Term Closures
Currently, the project has several long-term closures in place, including:
- The westbound I-10 on-ramp at 32nd Street is closed for reconstruction until mid- September. Drivers should use the westbound on-ramp at 40th Street during this closure.
- The westbound I-10 off-ramp at Broadway Road is closed for reconstruction. The closure is expected to last into late August. Drivers should use the westbound I-10 off-ramp at 40th Street instead.
- Northbound 48th Street is closed between Broadway Road and I-10 for pavement reconstruction. This closure is expected to last into September.
Southbound 48th Street is scheduled to close between I-10 and Broadway Road later this month for pavement reconstruction. This closure is expected to last into September.
To #StayAheadOfTheCurve, visit the project website or download the free mobile app, The Curve, before you travel.
 The westbound I-10 on-ramp at 32nd Street is closed for reconstruction into September. Crews are currently doing the earthwork necessary to reconstruct the ramp. Drivers should use the westbound I-10 on-ramp at 40th Street as a detour during this closure.
Your Questions Answered
Question: Why must closures happen on weekends? Can the notices be sent more in advance?
Answer: The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) schedules closures to avoid peak travel times, which is why most I-10 Broadway Curve Improvement Project closures occur overnight and on weekends. In addition, some bridge work cannot occur over live traffic, so the weekend full closures are necessary for safety measures.
Closure information is updated every Friday afternoon on the project website and mobile app, The Curve, for your convenience. You can find answers to other frequently asked questions at https://i10broadwaycurve.com/faq/.
Construction is scheduled to continue through early 2025. Throughout this project, our goal is to minimize impacts as much as possible and provide timely, accurate information so you can plan ahead and get to where you need to be. Learn more about the project and engage with the project team in any of these ways:
Bilingual Project Information Line: 602.501.5505
Project Website: i10BroadwayCurve.com
Visit or Write: 3157 E. Elwood Street, Suite 100, Phoenix, 85034. The Community Office is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays.
Email: Info@i10BroadwayCurve.com
App: Join more than 23,000 others who want to stay ahead of the curve by downloading our free mobile app, The Curve. You'll find it on the App Store or Google Play.