News from the Curve | August 2024

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August 2024 Monthly Newsletter

Westbound CD Road map

Westbound Collector-Distributor (CD) Road Scheduled to Open Monday, Aug. 19

If you use westbound Interstate 10 to enter or exit the freeway between Baseline Road and 40th Street, your route may change starting Monday, Aug. 19. Westbound I-10 will be closed between Loop 202 (Santan/South Mountain Freeway) and I-17 from 10 p.m. Friday, Aug. 16, to 4 a.m. Monday, Aug. 19 so crews can open the westbound Collector-Distributor (CD) road. Beginning Monday, Aug. 19, westbound I-10 drivers will exit westbound I-10 south of Baseline Road and get onto the westbound CD road to access US 60, Broadway Road, State Route 143, Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport and 40th Street. There will also be a dedicated lane from westbound US 60 to access the westbound CD road. To learn how the CD roads work and how to access common destinations using them, visit

The westbound CD road, shown in blue here, will reduce the need for vehicles to weave between lanes and will help keep traffic flowing on I-10.