Your input is needed to improve the US 60 (Grand Avenue), 35th Avenue and Indian School Road intersection

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Your input is needed to improve the US 60 (Grand Avenue), 35th Avenue and Indian School Road intersection

The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is seeking the public’s input on two potential options for improving traffic flow and safety at the intersection of US 60 (Grand Avenue), 35th Avenue and Indian School Road as part of the Grand-35 study. 

Details on the two alternatives, which both include raising 35th Avenue to eliminate a roadway crossing on Grand Avenue, are available on the study website at

Provide your comments through Feb. 21 in any of the following ways:

  • By phone: 602.474.3952
  • By mail: ADOT Grand-35 Study c/o HDR, Inc., 20 E. Thomas Road, Suite 2500, Phoenix, AZ 85012