September 2013 | #13
In this issue:
Don't miss the 2013 AlaskaCare health fairs! A variety of health screenings such as blood tests are offered to employee and retiree AlaskaCare Health Plan members, age 18 and older. See dates and locations below, and keep an eye out for reminders about upcoming events in your area.
- Fairbanks, September 7, 8 a.m. to 12 noon, Carlson Center
- Juneau, October 26, 8 a.m. to 12 noon, 8th Floor of the State Office Building
- Anchorage, November 2 and 3, 8 a.m. to 12 noon, Alaska Regional Hospital
See a list of available tests.
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Do you want assistance
with your weight, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or stress? AlaskaCare
Employee Health Plan members automatically qualify for a wellness coach. One-on-one
appointments are available in Fairbanks and Juneau. Visit this page for times and
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People too often only associate the words “strength” and “fitness” with those bulky guys at the gym bench-pressing massive amounts of weight. However, bodybuilders are often just as likely as other people to throw their back out carrying a suitcase down stairs. Fitness isn’t just about looks, it’s about functionality. Come join the HealthSmart Wellness Team to find out how you can add several simple strategies to improve your flexibility and performance while reducing your risk of common injuries. Sign up for one of the following lunch-n-learns: |
- Tuesday, September 24, 12 noon to 12:30 p.m.
- Thursday, September 26, 1 to 1:30 p.m.
In-person presentations:
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The 12-Week High Cholesterol Education Program provides you with a workbook and assignments designed to help you make the necessary lifestyle changes to lower your cholesterol. Information will be provided weekly on topics such as Nutrition and High Blood Cholesterol, the Stress-Exercise-Diet Connection, Holding the Lid on Fats, and more. Registration opens August 29 and the program starts September 23. Visit the 12-Week Wellness Education Program page to register today!
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Lack of physical activity is a major risk factor for heart disease, high blood pressure, colon cancer, and diabetes. Studies show that people who are physically active manage stress and sleep and feel better. Visit the Wellness Challenge page to participate in this month’s challenge and learn how to get fit!
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 Supporting your children so they can succeed at school begins with fostering peace at home. To guide you and your family through the excitement of the upcoming school year, the U.S. Department of Education, National PTA, and Parenting magazine have produced Countdown to School Success, a month-by-month handbook with steps to increase the chances that both you and your children enjoy a positive year. Read tips for September...
Remember, if things get stressful during the school year, the employee assistance program (EAP) is here to help. Counselors are available to support you and your family at no cost. Your EAP counselor can be reached 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling (800) 478-2812, or by logging on to MagellanHealth.com/member.
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This heart healthy recipe from the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute features seasoned Alaska Salmon fillets served on flour tortillas topped with red onions, cilantro, and an easy-to-make chile-citrus sauce. Read more at AlaskaSeafood.org.
Image source
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