AlaskaCare Retiree Health News | Monthly e-newsletter | April 2023
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AlaskaCare Retiree Health News
Volume 57| April 2023 |
Getting to Know Your Benefits:
The Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) is an employer-funded medical expense reimbursement account that members of the Defined Contribution Plan may use to pay eligible medical expenses. With a Defined Contribution HRA, funds are deposited while you are still actively working, growing over time, and becoming available for use upon retirement. Eligible medical expenses are health, dental, and vision expenses as defined under 26 U.S.C. Section 213(d) that are not otherwise reimbursable by the health plan or any other health plan. Eligible medical expenses must be expenses incurred by you, your spouse, or your dependent children. A complete list of eligible medical expenses is available in Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Publication 502. You do not have to participate in the health plan in order to participate in your HRA. A member is eligible for reimbursement under the HRA if they
You may request reimbursement from the HRA account for eligible medical expenses you have incurred. You will be reimbursed up to the amount of your balance in the HRA or the amount of the claim, whichever is less. Carryover of Unused Amounts in the HRA The HRA is yours to use until the balance is exhausted. If you have a balance remaining in your HRA at the end of the benefit year, the remaining balance will be carried over to the following benefit year. Eligible Medical Expenses Eligible medical expenses are health, dental and vision expenses as defined under 26 U.S.C. Section 213(d) that are not otherwise reimbursable by the plan or any other health plan. In addition, expenses reimbursed out of your HRA must be expenses incurred by you, your spouse, and your dependent children. The HRA claims administrator will make the final determination as to whether an expense may be reimbursed from the HRA. A complete list of qualified medical expenses is available in IRS Publication No. 502. You will find it online at Examples of eligible medical expenses include:
Examples of expenses that cannot be reimbursed include, but are not limited to:
Submitting Claims for Reimbursement To be reimbursed for unpaid eligible medical expenses, claims for reimbursement to the HRA may be submitted in one of the following ways:
Reimbursements are issued daily. Checks are payable to you, not to your provider. Your claim will be accepted if you file as soon as possible, but not later than 12 months after the date you incurred the expenses. You can also submit for reimbursement of premium payments, including the medical plan, DVA plan, Medicare, or other plans, such as a Medicare Supplement plan. You can submit to the HRA claims administrator to have your monthly premium reimbursed to you from your HRA or paid from the HRA directly to the entity from which you are purchasing coverage on a recurring basis (if allowed). You can submit for reimbursement of future premium payments for the full plan year, when funds exist in the HRA, and sufficient proof is provided showing the applicable health insurance premiums were paid. Additional information on this option is available at
Alaskans Can Join Free Programs
Ready for a change? The Alaska Department of Health has a new campaign called Fresh Start. The campaign connects Alaska adults with free programs that can help participants make changes at any time in their lives to feel better. These programs help Alaskans meet many health goals: lose weight, lower blood sugar to prevent or manage diabetes, lower blood pressure, or stop smoking or vaping.
All of these free programs are found on one website that’s easy to use: Thousands of Alaskans have joined these programs. They’ve lost more than 4,600 pounds in total through the online Fresh Start program focused on weight loss. They’ve worked with coaches through Alaska’s Tobacco Quit Line to stop smoking, vaping, or chewing tobacco. Visit to find a free health program that’s right for you or someone you know. Contact with questions or to request printed materials.
Form 1095-B is a tax form that reports the type of health insurance coverage you have, any dependents covered by your insurance policy, and the period of coverage for the prior year. The Division provides this form to members under age 65 to verify on your tax return that you and your dependents have at least minimum essential health insurance coverage. If you are over age 65, Medicare will provide this form for you. Since this information is already provided to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) by Medicare, it is no longer necessary to have a printed copy of form 1095-B in order to file your taxes. The Division provides members under age 65 access to an electronic version of their 2022 Form 1095-B online. Members age 65 or older can contact Medicare at 1-800-MEDICARE to obtain a copy of their Form 1095-B. If you are under age 65, you can access your Form 1095-B in your MyRnB account under myDocuments.
Future AlaskaCare Town Hall Events
Retiree Town Hall Events are group calls hosted by the Alaska Department of Administration, Division of Retirement and Benefits for all interested AlaskaCare retirees and families to ask questions about the AlaskaCare health plans. You can join the call to learn more about your health plan and ask Division staff any questions you have about your benefits. This format gives retirees a chance to connect directly with Division staff to hear the latest news on all things AlaskaCare, raise questions, share comments, and learn more about the health plans. Town hall events occur on the third Thursday of each month and you can pre-register now online. We want to hear from you! Please join us for a Town Hall event on: |
Your input is valued and important. Below, please find a list of ways to contact us with your feedback. Also, a full list of AlaskaCare health plan and partner contact information can be found on our website. AlaskaCare – Plan Administrator