AlaskaCare Retiree Health News | Monthly e-newsletter | October 2022
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AlaskaCare Retiree Health News
Volume 53| October 2022 |
Welcome to DVA Open Enrollment—It’s Happening Now! |
Open Enrollment for the AlaskaCare Retiree Dental-Vision-Audio (DVA) Plans opened on October 12 and runs through November 23, 2022. This is your opportunity to review your DVA coverage options and make benefit elections for you and your family for the next plan year, which begins on January 1, 2023. If you do not participate in Open Enrollment, your benefit elections will not change from what you have now. You can make changes to your benefit elections online at during the Open Enrollment period, beginning October 12, 2022, and ending November 23, 2022, at 5 p.m. Alaska Time. You can review the 2023 Monthly Premiums, the 2023 Benefit Comparison, and the 2023 Enrollment Guide containing monthly premium information and coverage comparisons online:
You can make changes to your benefit elections online at during the Open Enrollment period, beginning October 12, 2022, and ending November 23, 2022. |
2023 Dental Benefit Out-of-Network Cost Comparison |
Why Should I Consider Visiting a Network Dentist? Visiting a dental provider who participates in Delta Dental’s network is one of the best ways to get the most value out of your dental coverage. Network dentists have agreed to provide you with services at a discounted rate and will file all claim forms for you. If you use a premier or PPO network dentist, you will not be billed for any amount between what the dentist bills, and how much the plan will cover (balance billing). AlaskaCare Dental-Vision-Audio (DVA) plan participants who have elected the standard dental plan have access to two dental networks:
AlaskaCare Dental-Vision-Audio (DVA) plan participants who have elected the legacy dental plan have access to one dental network:
My Preferred Dentist is Not in Delta Dental’s Network—What Should I Know? Whether you are enrolled in the AlaskaCare DVA legacy dental plan or standard dental plan, you are free to visit any dental provider you prefer, even if they are not in network. Your AlaskaCare DVA plan will still pay its share of your dental costs, but a non-network provider may choose to bill you directly for any amount between what they charged and what the plan allows. This is called balance billing. The legacy dental plan and the standard dental plan reimburse out-of-network providers differently. The legacy dental plan pays out-of-network providers more. This means your initial out-of-pocket costs will likely be less, but you may receive coverage for fewer services before you reach your annual benefit maximum. The standard dental plan pays out-of-network providers less. This means your initial out-of-pocket cost will likely be more, but you may receive coverage for more services before you reach your annual benefit maximum. How Does Using a PPO, Premier, or Non-Network Dentist Impact my Out-of-Pocket Costs? The tables below provide examples of how using different types of providers may impact your out-of-pocket costs. Please note that while these tables were developed using 2022 AlaskaCare Retiree DVA plan cost data, your actual costs will vary depending on how many DVA coverages you have, what specific services you receive, what your provider bills, and what other services you may have already received in a given benefit year. You can contact Delta Dental customer service at 855-718-1768 or
*The amount a member may owe at non-network providers includes balance billing for the amount between what the provider bills and what the Plan allows.
*The amount a member may owe at non-network providers includes balance billing for the amount between what the provider bills and what the Plan allows.
*The amount a member may owe at non-network providers includes balance billing for the amount between what the provider bills and what the Plan allows. |
Public Comment Period—Insurance Information Booklet |
The Department of Administration, Division of Retirement and Benefits, proposes to adopt changes to the AlaskaCare Defined Benefit Retiree Insurance Information Booklet, effective for the 2023 plan year. We want to hear from you! You may comment on the proposed plan booklet changes by submitting written comments:
Public comments will be accepted starting October 14, 2022, through Friday, November 18, 2022, at 4:30 p.m. AKDT. A copy of the proposed AlaskaCare Retiree Insurance Information booklet will be available on the Division of Retirement and Benefits webpage. A public teleconference will be held on October 28, 2022, at 1 p.m. Alaska time.
After the public comment period ends, the Plan Administrator will either adopt the proposed plans, or other provisions dealing with the same subject, without further notice. The language of the final plan documents may be different from the proposed plan documents. You should comment during the time allowed if your interests could be affected. Written comments received are public records and are subject to public inspection. |
EGWP Enrollees: 2022 IRMAA Submission Reminder |
Certain high-income retirees who are Medicare eligible and enrolled in the AlaskaCare enhanced Employer Group Waiver Program (EGWP) pharmacy plan are required to pay a premium surcharge associated with Medicare Part D plans, known as an Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount, or IRMAA. This is required by Medicare and is the same type of surcharge that high-income enrollees already pay for a Medicare Part B plan. If you are an individual who earned more than $87,000 or a married couple who earned more than $174,000 in 2019, you will be required to pay the IRMAA for 2022. Retirees enrolled in EGWP whose household income was below this threshold will not be subject to the IRMAA premium surcharge. If you are required to pay the IRMAA premium surcharge, the Division will reimburse you for the amount you are charged each month for the Part D IRMAA premium surcharge through a tax-advantaged health reimbursement arrangement (HRA) account, so the EGWP plan has no additional cost to you! For steps on completing your 2022 IRMAA reimbursement, please visit our IRMAA webpage or contact OptumRx at (855) 409-6999. The deadline to receive reimbursement for the 2022 Part D IRMAA is December 31, 2023. Every year in November, Social Security sends a letter outlining what the next year's IRMAA premium surcharges are, if applicable to you. Once you receive your letter from Social Security or a bill from Medicare for your 2023 Part D IRMAA premium surcharge, you may complete the same steps listed on our IRMAA webpage to begin the reimbursement process for 2023. |
Influenza (flu) is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. It can cause mild to severe illness. Serious outcomes of flu infection can result in hospitalization or death. Some people, such as older people, young children, and people with certain health conditions, are at high risk of serious flu complications. There are two main types of influenza (flu) viruses: Types A and B. The influenza A and B viruses that routinely spread in people (human influenza viruses) are responsible for seasonal flu epidemics each year. Flu vaccination can reduce flu illnesses, doctors’ visits, and missed work and school due to flu, as well as prevent flu-related hospitalizations and deaths. Who Should Get a Flu Vaccine this Season? Everyone 6 months and older should get a flu vaccine every season with rare exceptions. Vaccination is particularly important for people who are at higher risk of serious complications from influenza. Does the AlaskaCare Retiree Plan Cover Flu Shots? Yes, with the addition of preventive care coverage on 1/1/2022, the AlaskaCare retiree plan covers Trivalent and Quadrivalent influenza vaccines. Different flu vaccines are approved for use in different groups of people. If you have questions about which flu vaccine to get, talk to your doctor or other health care professional. When is the Best Time to Get my Influenza Vaccine? September and October are generally good times to be vaccinated. Ideally, everyone should be vaccinated by the end of October. For more information on Influenza, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention webpage. |
Future AlaskaCare Town Hall Events |
Retiree Town Hall Events are group calls hosted by the Alaska Department of Administration, Division of Retirement and Benefits for all interested AlaskaCare retirees and families to ask questions about the AlaskaCare health plans. You can join the call to learn more about your health plan and ask Division staff any questions you have about your benefits. This format gives retirees a chance to connect directly with Division staff to hear the latest news on all things AlaskaCare, raise questions, share comments, and learn more about the health plans. Town hall events occur on the third Thursday of each month and you can pre-register now online. We want to hear from you! Please join us for a Town Hall event on: |
Your input is valued and important. Below, please see a list of ways to contact us with your feedback. Also, a full list of AlaskaCare health plan and partner contact information can be found on our website. AlaskaCare – Plan Administrator