Employer News | Quarterly Newsletter | Summer 2021
Alaska Department of Administration sent this bulletin at 07/30/2021 10:20 AM AKDT
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Summer | Volume # 169 |
Employer On-Behalf Funding for Fiscal Year 2022 |
On-behalf funding for PERS and TRS employers for Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22) is provided by House Bill (HB) 69 (Section 73). HB 69 passed during the 2021 legislative session and was recently signed into law. The bill provides a set amount of funding to reduce the PERS Employer Effective Rate to 22 percent and the TRS Employer Effective Rate to 12.56% for FY22. The on-behalf funding is applied with the processing of each employer payroll. Employer on-behalf funding statements will be sent via email to payroll and finance contacts. For PERS on-behalf funding questions or statement copies, please email Tamara Criddle at tamara.criddle@alaska.gov or call (907) 465-2279. For TRS on-behalf funding questions or statement copies, please email Walter Agne at walter.agne@alaska.gov or call (907) 465-5711. For PERS and TRS employer on-behalf funding provided in HB 69, the Division of Retirement and Benefits will apply payments for complete payrolls through the pay period end date June 30, 2022. Fiscal year 2022 (July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022) complete payrolls must be received in our office by July 15, 2022, to be processed with HB 69 employer on-behalf funding. A complete payroll is defined as a payroll that has all elements needed to process the payroll. This includes the funds necessary to process the payroll, including a correct memo if the payment is a wire or push ACH. Additionally, the payroll summary and the employer payroll detail are part of a complete payroll. For other questions, please contact Christina Maiquis at (907) 465-1845 or christina.maiquis@alaska.gov. |
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True-Up: Review True-Up Records with Each Payroll Submission |
What is True-Up? True-up adjustments correct for over and/or under-reporting of the following contributions due to adjustments made to a member’s account:
The Process to Take True-up Adjustments The Division calculates DCR true-up adjustments daily and provides them in eReporting. Please review the true-up report with each payroll submission. All true-up records for each year listed need to be adjusted with each payroll submission even if it is a net-zero adjustment. The true-up will allocate the contributions to the proper money type. Annual Statutory True-Up The annual statutory true-up occurred July 20, 2021. The statutory true-up results in any true-up balances that an employer did not take during the Fiscal Year being moved to the employer's over/short account. Please contact your payroll contact if you have any questions regarding the true-up process or about specific true-up records in eReporting. |
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The Division’s auditors, KPMG, are gearing up to start with this year’s employer GASB 68 and 75 census audits. The frequency of the census audits is based on the employer size and can occur every year, every five years, or every ten years. The Division’s external auditor chooses employers for a census audit around July of each year. Employers have received a notification that they’ve been selected and should expect to provide PERS and TRS-related data to the external auditors within a specific timeframe. For questions regarding the census data audit and additional details about the requirements, please see the sample letter from the Division as well as the AICPA whitepaper. To aid you in preparing for this process, it is important for employers to keep detailed records of their transmissions to the Division and ensure those transmissions reconcile with the employer payroll records. If you have questions related to the transmission and records, please contact your payroll contact. |
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TRS 2021/2022 School Year Reporting |
As the beginning of the school year approaches, it is time to revisit the beginning of year reporting procedures for the Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS).
Please report the following on your first payroll (pay period end (PPE) date on or after July 1, 2020) for the school year (SY) 2021:
Please check the Tier/Plan for a new employee prior to reporting them as a new hire. To check on a new employee, please visit Employer Access. Which can be found under Employer Services, Resources. ![]() Your login is the same as eReporting. If teachers were not put on TSE at the end of the school year, a TSE event will need to be entered as the day after the last day worked for the school year or June 30, 2020. Then a STAT will need to be entered when the day they begin work again. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your payroll contact, or e-mail us at doa.drb.activepayroll@alaska.gov. |
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Most eligible families will automatically receive monthly payments. For everyone else, here are three steps to get help. Starting July 15, millions of American families will automatically begin receiving monthly child tax credit payments from the Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service. These payments are designed to cover half of the credit families will likely qualify to receive when they file their 2021 federal income tax return. If you qualify and you previously filed your tax return, you don't need to do anything. Payments will begin arriving automatically. If you think you qualify and haven't filed, now is the time to take action. Who Will Automatically Get Monthly Payments? In general, monthly payments will go to eligible families who:
If you did one of these things, you don't need to do anything else to get the advance payment. The IRS will send you a letter telling you how much you're getting. Who Needs to Take Action Now? If you haven't filed or registered with the IRS, now is the time to take action. The sooner you do, the sooner you will begin receiving monthly payments. If you're not sure you qualify, the IRS has a three-step process that can help. Each step has a free online tool, available only on IRS.gov.
Who Should Opt-Out or Unenroll? Instead of receiving these advance payments, you may prefer to receive the entire credit when you file your 2021 return. The Child Tax Credit Update Portal enables you to quickly and easily do that. If you make this choice, you will either receive a larger refund or have a smaller amount due when you file. The unenroll feature can also be helpful to any family that no longer qualifies for the Child Tax Credit or believes they will not qualify when they file their 2021 return. For example:
Child Tax Credit 2021 The IRS has created a special Advance Child Tax Credit 2021 page, designed to provide the most up-to-date information about the credit and the advance payments. Among other things, it provides direct links to the Child Tax Credit Eligibility Assistant, Non-Filers Sign Up Tool, the Child Tax Credit Update Portal, free user guides for each of these tools, a set of frequently asked questions, and other useful resources. Help Spread the Word! The IRS urges community groups, non-profits, associations, education organizations, and anyone else with connections to people with children to share this critical information about the Child Tax Credit as well as other important benefits. Among other things, the IRS is working closely with its community partners to ensure wide access to the Non-filer Sign-up Tool. The agency is also providing additional materials and information that can be easily shared by social media, email, and other methods. |
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Social Security Administration: Top 10 Baby Names of 2020 |
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