AlaskaCare Retiree Health News | Monthly e-newsletter | July 2021
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AlaskaCare Retiree Health News
Volume 38| July 2021 |
Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board Meeting |
You’re invited to participate in an upcoming Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board (RHPAB) meeting on Thursday, August 5, starting at 9 a.m. Alaska Time. The RHPAB meeting is just one way members can learn more about how the health plan is administered and about improvements or changes that are under consideration. Meetings are held at least once every quarter with additional meetings scheduled as necessary. The meetings are recorded and posted online along with all of the board packets and materials. To learn more or to join in next week’s meeting, click here. The board is made up of seven members with diverse backgrounds and was created to facilitate engagement and coordination between the State of Alaska’s retirement system members, the Alaska Retirement Management Board, and the Commissioner of the Administration regarding the administration of the retiree health plan. More information about the board is available here. |
Keyword of the Month: Prior Authorization |
The world of health care is complex and uses a lot of jargon. You don’t need to be a health care specialist to get the most out of your benefits and knowing some of the technical terms makes it a little less mysterious. This month’s keyword is Prior Authorization. Prior Authorization, also known as precertification, is a pre-approval process that reviews your treatment, prescription, medical device, or other healthcare-related service against clinical, evidence-based standards to verify that the service is medically necessary and will be covered under your plan. Prior authorization may be necessary before receiving a service, except in emergency situations or if the plan states the service does not require prior authorization. Prior authorization may also depend on your individual health situation and diagnosis: many services are covered without additional review in some circumstances but may require additional review or prior authorization for others. Prior authorization is a separate process from reviewing and processing claims, which occurs after the service is provided and billed to the health plan. At this point, the plan determines whether and how to cover the services in the claim. If you use a network provider, they will handle any necessary precertification for you. You are responsible for obtaining any necessary precertification from Aetna before receiving medical services from an out-of-network provider. Check out a glossary of more health care terms here. |
Have You Checked Your Beneficiaries Lately? |
Make sure your money goes where you want it to, by keeping your beneficiaries up-to-date on your accounts. Any time you have a major life event, especially if you have gotten married, divorced, or had children, it’s a good time to review your policies. For further information and beneficiary forms, visit the Division's webpage. |
We update the frequently asked questions regularly, please keep checking back for new information! Here are some commonly asked questions:
Effective January 1, 2019, AlaskaCare implemented an enhanced Employer Group Waiver Program (EGWP) to provide prescription drug coverage for all Medicare-eligible members covered under the AlaskaCare retiree health plan. Members enrolled in the EGWP who have provided a P.O. Box for their address must also provide a physical/residential address in order to maintain EGWP eligibility. No mail will be sent to this address, it will only be used to verify that you live inside the Medicare service area. If you do not have a typical residential (street) address, please call the Division at (907) 465-4460 and we can work with you to record an address that will satisfy the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) requirement. |
Getting vaccinated against COVID-19 is easier than ever. Vaccines are available to both Alaskan residents and visitors. People 18+ may receive either Pfizer, Moderna, or Johnson & Johnson vaccines. 12– to 17-year-olds may receive the Pfizer vaccine only. Text your ZIP code to 438829 or call the Alaska Vaccine hotline at (907) 646-3322. |
Future AlaskaCare Town Hall Events |
Town Hall Events are group calls hosted by the Alaska Department of Administration, Division of Retirement and Benefits for all interested AlaskaCare retirees and families to ask questions about the AlaskaCare health plans. You can join the call to learn more about your health plan and ask Division staff any questions you have about your benefits. This format gives retirees a chance to connect directly with Division staff to hear the latest news on all things AlaskaCare, raise questions, share comments, and learn more about the health plans. Pre-register now online. Please join us for a Town Hall event on: |
As a State of Alaska retiree, your input is valued and important. Below, please see a list of ways to contact us with your feedback. Also, a full list of AlaskaCare health plans and partner contact information can be found on our website. AlaskaCare – Plan Administrator
Please Note: The DRB offices are now open to the public. |