AlaskaCare Wellness News | February 2019

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February 2019 | #77

February Is American Heart Month

Doctor with Prescription

Heart disease doesn’t just happen to older adults. Heart disease—and the conditions that lead to it—can happen at any age. High rates of obesity and high blood pressure among younger people (ages 35-64) are putting them at risk for heart disease earlier in life. Half of all Americans have at least one of the top three risk factors for heart disease (high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and smoking). Know your numbers! Find out your risks for developing heart disease and take measures to prevent it:

  • LDL cholesterol
  • HDL cholesterol
  • Blood sugar
  • Blood pressure
  • BMI (body mass index)

Preventive care and early detection are important for your health and well-being. That's why your AlaskaCare Health Plan covers a wide variety of preventive services with no copay and no deductible, meaning no out-of-pocket costs to you when services are received in-network. If you have any questions about which preventive screenings can be covered at 100% in-network, or if you don’t have a network provider where you live, please contact the Aetna Concierge at (855)784-8646.

More resources:

American Heart Association

Go Red For Women

What’s New With Aetna?


Aetna will be reaching out to AlaskaCare members over the next 90 days to offer more ways to receive and access information.

  • Want to increase your understanding of the benefits available to you?
  • Want to learn how to use your whole health benefits, including behavioral health and the employee assistance program?
  • Want to download digital ID cards and access your benefits on the go from a mobile device?

These are just a few of the things you can do on the Aetna member website or with the Aetna mobile app. To get started, register on Aetna’s Navigator site, set up your profile, and watch a personalized video to find out more about the benefits that apply specifically to you.

AlaskaCare Employees Have Easy Access to Teladoc Telehealth Services

Not Feeling Well     

You can connect with a doctor via phone or video call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Teladoc doctors can diagnose many health issues like sinus problems, respiratory infection, allergies, flu symptoms, and many other non-emergency illnesses.


The doctor will call you back in minutes. Talk to the doctor, take as much time as you need…. there’s no limit. The fee to the member is a $5.00 copay for General Medical Consultations.


Teladoc is a convenient and affordable way to receive care wherever you are and whenever you need it. If medically necessary, a prescription will be sent to the pharmacy of your choice.

Feel Better     

It’s that easy! Register today.


February is National Cancer Prevention Month

Cancer Prevention Month

There are about 12.7 million cancer cases globally every year, and the number is expected to grow to 26 million by 2030. The US has the seventh-highest overall cancer rate in the world, according to the American Institute of Cancer Research (AICR) and the World Health Organization. The numbers may seem staggering, but the good news is that the number of people who die from cancer continues to decline, thanks to treatment advances and early detection. Almost one-third of the most common cancers in the US are preventable. Research shows that just 5-10% of cancer cases are attributed to genes. Lifestyle and environment likely triggered the remaining 90-95%. The AICR has posted selected recommendations for cancer prevention and it supports the US Dept. of Agriculture’s Dietary Guidelines to help reduce cancer rates by adopting plant-based diets and reducing the consumption of sodium, sugar, and highly processed foods.

Helpful Lifestyle Tips:

Drink filtered water. Sipping enough H2O every day is essential to overall health, but it is important to make sure the water you drink is clean and safe.

Eat a rainbow. The more colorful your diet is, the more likely it’s packed with nutrients your body needs to fight cancer. Load your plate with a variety of fruits and vegetables, herbs, and whole grains.

Get on your feet. Studies suggest that spending too much time sitting can make you likelier to develop cancer.

Have a cup of joe. Coffee beans are a rich source of antioxidants that may have positive effects on your health.

Start moving. Physical activity has been linked to a reduced risk of 13 types of cancer.

Be picky about meat. Create meatless dishes using beans, eggs, fish, and other protein sources.

Shed a few pounds. Shedding as little as five percent of your body weight can make a major difference in your risk of getting cancer.

Get vaccinated. Human papillomavirus can cause cervical, vaginal, vulvar, anal, and oral cancer, and the hepatitis b virus can cause liver cancer. Immunizations are important!

Up Vitamin D intake. Studies have shown a correlation between low levels of Vitamin D and certain types of cancer.

Relax. While there is no hard proof that stress can cause cancer, chronic stress can weaken your immune system and potentially speed the development of tumors.

Smoking Cessation

Find out everything you need to know to help you quit smoking. Check out your AlaskaCare Employee Health Plan for tobacco cessation benefits and contact Alaska’s Tobacco Quit Line. Get started today!

Alaska's Tobacco Quit Line | 1-800-QUIT-NOW 

White Turkey Chili

Recipe of the Month

White Turkey Chili



Exercise of the Month

The V-Up


No Sugar
Health Fact of the Month
Embrace Bitters!

Combat your yen for sugar by following a Chinese medicine approach. Eat foods such as endive, radicchio, cooked greens, and olives to curb sugar cravings.



Not sure if that cold is worth the trip? 
Call the Aetna Nurse line, 24 hours, 7 days a week.

                           Call (800) 556-1555