October | VOLUME #134
Enrollment for AlaskaCare and
for the Voluntary Supplemental Benefits Plan is from November 2 through November 23.
Changes are coming to the AlaskaCare Employee Health Plan that will take into effect beginning January 2017.
The State is also welcoming MetLife as our new partner for Voluntary Supplemental Benefits (life,
disability and critical illness coverage). Employers participating in the State’s Alaska
Supplemental Benefits System will receive a packet of information in the next
few weeks explaining the new Critical Illness coverage as well as the updated
premium rates for the 2017 plan year. These new premiums must be loaded
into employer systems for deduction from the first pay period in January.
Check out our website at Alaska.gov/drb/OpenEnrollment in the next few weeks for more information.
 This is a reminder that there has been a change to
the Federal Form W-2 and Form W-3 and Federal Form 1099-MISC federal filing
dates for calendar year 2016 wages.
The due date for filing 2016 Form W-2 with the Social
Security Administration is now January 31, 2017, whether you file using pater
forms or electronically filing.
Public Law 114-113, Division Q, section 201,
requires Form 1099-MISC to be filed on or before January 31, 2017, when
you are reporting nonemployee compensation payments in box 7. Otherwise
file by February 28, 2017, if you file on paper, or by March 31, 2017, if you
file electronically.
General Instruction for Forms W-2 and W-3
General Instructions for Certain Information Returns
If you have questions, please contact Melanie Helmick at (907) 465-5707 or melanie.helmick@alaska.gov.
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 Thank you to everyone who attended this year's Employer Conference. We are happy to report that it was a great success and we hope that those who were able to attend found it valuable. If you were unable to attend or you would like to review the materials, you can find many of the presentations and handouts from the conference on our website.
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