July | VOLUME #131
 Are you considering attending EmCon 2016? To ensure employers
have ample time to plan for October, we have provided a tentative agenda for the conference on
our website.
Plan ahead—registration for EmCon 2016 begins in
If you have any
questions, please contact Kathy Lea, Chief Pension Officer, at kathy.lea@alaska.gov or
(907) 465-3226.
 Are your employees interested in meeting with a
retirement counselor? The Division is excited to announce our new online
appointment scheduling tool for employees to schedule a telephonic or in-person
appointment with our counseling staff in Anchorage and Juneau. The online
scheduler allows employees to choose the date and time that is convenient for
them with any counselor they choose. Please help us help your employees
by spreading the word about this new service.
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note there have been updates to the FY17
Pension and Other Post Employment Benefit (OPEB) Employer On-Behalf Rate Split
on our website. The link to the PERS and TRS FY17 Employer Rates is
under Resources on the Employer Services webpage.
The Employer On-Behalf for FY17
will be allocated entirely to Pension for both PERS is TRS.
For questions about employer contribution
rates, please contact:
Christina Maiquis
(907) 465-1845
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funding for PERS and TRS employers for Fiscal Year 2017 (FY17) is provided
by House
Bill (HB) 256 (Section 28), passed during the 2016 legislative session and
recently signed into law. The bill provides a set amount of funding to reduce
the PERS Employer Effective Rate to 22 percent and the TRS Employer Effective
Rate to 12.56 percent for FY17.
This funding is applied with
the processing of each employer payroll. Employer on-behalf funding statements
will be sent monthly. For PERS on-behalf
funding questions or statement copies, please email Tamara Criddle at tamara.criddle@alaska.gov or
call (907) 465-2279. For TRS on-behalf funding questions or statement copies, please email Walter Agne at walter.agne@alaska.gov or
call (907) 465-5711.
For PERS and TRS employer
on-behalf funding provided in HB 256, the Division of Retirement and Benefits
will apply payments for payrolls through pay period end date June 30, 2017.
Fiscal year 2017 (July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017) payrolls must be received in
our office by July 15, 2017 to be processed with HB 256 employer on-behalf
For other questions, please
Christina Maiquis
(907) 465-1845
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