AlaskaCare Wellness News | June 2016

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June 2016 | #46

National Safety Month/Staying Safe in the Outdoors

As many Alaskans know, getting outdoors is good for both mental and physical health. While spending time outdoors this summer, it's important to be aware of your surroundings and the possible risks related to your activities. Even if you're an experienced outdoorsperson, it doesn't hurt to give yourself a refresher on outdoor safety and ethics, then check out the resources below on wildlife, weather and water safety.

Source: Get Outdoors Alaska

Wildlife Safety

Bear in tent

Living with wildlife: Spending time outdoors in Alaska often includes crossing paths with various types of wildlife. Make sure you understand safety principals for individual species and how to avoid conflicts…

Bears and you: If you're in Alaska, you're in bear country. Nothing will guarantee your safety in bear country, but knowledge of bears and responsible behavior will reduce your risk of any conflicts. Review these bear safety tips...

Sources: ADF&G, DNR

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Weather Safety

Kayak in rain

Inclement weather in Alaska can be unavoidable. It’s important to be prepared and to know what to do should you find yourself in an unexpected or difficult situation. The Forest Service has some tips for being prepared and staying safe during outdoors activities…

Source: U.S. Forest Service

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Water Safety

Children in life jackets

Many Alaskans spend time on or near the water. Unfortunately, many people also die each year in Alaska’s waters, and most of those people neglected to wear a life preserver. Check out the Office of Boating Safety and the Alaska Water Wise Program for resources on staying safe on the water.

Source: DNR

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Preventative Posture | June 8

Daily repetitive activities can cause aches and pains in our bodies if we don’t focus on the mechanics of everyday movements. We will explore effective techniques to improve your posture while standing, sitting, and sleeping.


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Exercise of the Month: Lying Triceps Lift

Lying Triceps Lift

This simple exercise works your triceps muscles and is easy to do without any equipment.

Try it out...

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Recipe of the Month: Hot Zucchini Bruchetta

Zucchini bruchetta

Roasted zucchini, tomatoes, onions and herbs are a flavorful topping for pizza crust or bread. This recipe calls for dried herbs, but use fresh herbs for to make the flavor pop.

Get the recipe...

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