Division of Behavioral Health
Public Comment Opportunity: Behavioral Health Organization, Request For Proposal public comment period closing soon.
Publication date: May 15, 2024
Public Comment Opportunity on Behavioral Health Organization, Request for Proposal closing May 20, 2024. |
Reminder - We want your feedback!
The deadline to submit public comment for the Behavioral Health Organization Draft Request for Proposal is due Monday, May 20, 2024. Please submit all comments to the procurement officer at ashley.palembas@alaska.gov.
Draft RFP Online Public Notice: https://aws.state.ak.us/OnlinePublicNotices/Notices/View.aspx?id=215110
Public Comment: We are currently accepting public comment on this draft RFP. Please refer to the public notice for instruction on how to submit public comment. During this phase potential offerors and Alaska Medicaid stakeholders are invited to provide feedback on the RFP, particularly the Scope of Work, and Deliverables in Section 3 of the RFP. After review, DOH will then transition the RFP into a FINAL phase, notwithstanding any subsequent amendments to the RFP.
Publish Final Draft: Release Final draft of RFP for solicitation of vendors capable of fulfilling the scope of work identified, estimated to be released mid-June 2024.
Procurement Evaluation Committee (PEC): The PEC will consist of DBH subject matter experts as well as up to three (3) external stakeholders – to be determined by DOH.
Award Contract: Upon selection of a successful vendor, a notice of intent to award will be issued. Go-live for the BHO contract is anticipated to be January 1, 2025.
Implementation Activities: Upon award, DBH will work immediately with the vendor to prepare for the full implementation. Providers can expect orientation sessions after go-live to introduce the BHO, provide information on what they will be prepared to support as well as additional communications on activities the BHO will conduct throughout the life of the contract.