May 5, 2022 Resource Bulletin |
Miss our last email? Past e-bulletins are posted in the left column on both the ABADA and AMHB websites. |
AMHB/ABADA Board Meeting May 18-20th, Sitka, AK and Zoom
The Advisory Board on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse (ABADA) and the Alaska Mental Health Board (AMHB) will hold a joint board meeting in Sitka, May 18-20th. This meeting will be held at the Westmark Sitka Hotel with the option to attend virtually. These meetings begin at 9:00 am each day and are open to the public.
There will be an opportunity for formal public comment to ABADA and AMHB board members on Thursday, May 19th beginning at 6:00pm. This public comment period will be available statewide by teleconference by dialing 1-833-548-0276 (toll-free) Meeting ID: 907 465 8920. (Enter *6 to mute and unmute and *9 to raise your hand.)
For questions or to receive an agenda and Zoom information, please email amhb.abada@alaska.gov.
SSPC Quarterly Meeting May 24, 9:00am-4:30pm via Zoom
The Statewide Suicide Prevention Council (SSPC) will hold its quarterly meeting on Tuesday, May 24 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. via Zoom. These meetings are open to the public.
There will be an opportunity for formal public comment to SSPC members beginning at 11:30 a.m. This public comment period will be available statewide by teleconference by dialing 253-215-8782 (Passcode: 620714)
For questions or to receive an agenda and Zoom information, please email eric.morrison@alaska.gov or call 907-465-6518.
For Individuals Who Use Medicaid or Other Services Through Division of Public Assistance: Update Your Mailing Address
Individuals who use services through the Division of Public Assistance should make sure their mailing addresses are updated, if needed, to assist in the smooth delivery of services. You can drop off or mail information to any local office, or use the centralized phone, email or fax at:
Local Offices: Click Here Virtual Contact Center: 800-478-7778 (TDD/Alaska Relay: 7-1-1) Offices Email: HSS.DPA.Offices@alaska.gov Secure Email (requires a DSM account): dpa.offices@hss.soa.directak.net Fax: 888-269-6520, Anchorage 907-269-6031 |
Mental Health
Mental Health Awareness Month Activities
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Here are just a few Alaskan and national activities and resources:
- The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium will host weekly activities aimed to enhance overall wellness. To participate in these activities, please click here.
- The National Council on Aging is hosting the 5th Annual Older Adult Mental Health Awareness Day Symposium on May 16, 6:00am-1:00pm. This event includes a full day of sessions on how to best meet the mental health needs of older adults. This conference is free to attend, and to register please click here.
- Mental Health America Mental Health Month Toolkit: click here
- National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Mental Health Resources and Awareness Event Guides: click here
Alaska Eating Disorders Alliance Workshops May 7 and June 7 3502 Spenard Rd, Anchorage and Virtual
On May 7 from 9:30-10:30am, Alaska Eating Disorders Alliance is hosting a free discussion titled, “What’s Eating Our Kids and What Can We Do About it? Addressing Dieting, Body Image and Related Issues Without Causing Bigger Problems."
On June 7, from 8:30am-4:30pm AKDT, there will be a one-day boot camp offering practical tools for assessing and inquiring about eating issues and guidelines for identifying when eating issues require the intervention of additional disciplines or specialists.
For more information and to register, click here.
Gathering with Purpose: Working Together to Support Behavioral Health in Alaska May 20, 8:00-4:00pm AKDT
This event is hosted by Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation and the Counseling and Health Department at the University of Alaska Anchorage. Clinicians and other presenters from across Alaska will explore paths and culturally responsive approaches to guide and support healing.
To review the agenda and to register, click here.
9th Annual Alaska Advanced Trauma Training Institute - The Science of Traumatic Stress June 8-9, 2022, Dena'ina Center, Anchorage
The Alaska Child Trauma Center at Alaska Behavioral Health hosts this institute which features local Alaskan and national experts sharing about the latest research and advances in the neurobiology of traumatic stress, trauma-informed systems, and clinical interventions for complex trauma in children and adults. For questions, please email rbuzby@akbh.org.
To see the agenda and to register, click here.
Alaska Careline For someone to talk to, call anytime: 1-877-266-4357 (HELP) or text 4help to 839863 3-11 p.m. Tue-Sat
Substance Misuse Prevention, Treatment & Recovery |
Public Safety Webinar: Safe Drug Disposal and Storage, Non-Opioid Pain Management and Overdose Prevention *Today* May 5, 12:00-1:00pm AKDT
The Alaska Office of Substance Misuse and Addiction Prevention will host this webinar to help inform Alaskans about safe storage and disposal of pain medication.
To join by phone, call 1-408-638-0968, Webinar ID: 897 2119 6066. To join by zoom click here.
Alaska Pain and Opioid Management Echo May 9 & 23, 12:00-1:00pm AKDT
The Pain and Opioid Management (POM) ECHO is a continuing online series with the goal to enhance knowledge on pain management and addiction, and the treatment of opioid use disorder for primary care providers across Alaska.
Upcoming ECHOs include:
May 9: Non-Pharma Methods to Managing Pain
May 23: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Pain, Pain Interventions, and Psychological Interventions
To register please click here.
Upcoming Peer Support Trainings May 10 & 12th and June 14-16
The Alaska Division of Behavioral Health and partners are presenting two upcoming opportunities for peer support professional development:
May 10 & 12: Essential Peer Support Supervision taught by Susan Musante MS LPCC; Lee Breinig BA; and Spencer Ladner (via Zoom)
June 14-16: Building Bridges: Alaska Peer Support Conference
To register for the Peer Support Supervision training, email susanmusante@hotmail.com with your name and affiliation.
For questions about the June conference, please email crystal.smith@alaska.gov.
Managing Stigmatizing Language in Substance Misuse Prevention May 18, 9:00-10:30am AKDT
The Danya Institute in Maryland hosts this webinar to help practitioners in understanding the immediate and lasting impact that stigma can have on the potential treatment of and recovery from Substance Misuse and Prevention. How we refer to, speak to, and document the experiences of clients affects how we connect and treat them.
For more information and to register click here.
Justice Involved |
2022 Success Inside and Out For Justice Involved Women May 21, 1:00-4:00pm AKDT Partners for Progress 208 E 4th Avenue, Anchorage
This event, sponsored by the National Association of Women Judges and Partners for Progress, Inc. will include free legal, recovery, and reentry services, women's work clothing, food, and more.
For questions, email groupcoordinator@pfpalaska.org.
One2One Mentorship
One2One is an Anchorage non-profit whose purpose is to match professional women mentors with justice-involved mentees for intentional friendships that promote self-efficacy through mutually fulfilling collaborations.
To learn more about the program, click here.
Juneau Reentry Coalition
The Juneau Reentry Coalition is a collaboration of individuals who support success for all justice-involved Alaskans. The coalition steering team meets monthly and the meeting is open to the public. There are also opportunities to get involved with specific workgroups such as Housing, Family Support, Education and Training, and Behavioral Health.
To learn more, click here.
Suicide Prevention & Postvention |
CAMS Framework- Training for Non-Clinical Behavioral Health Providers May 12, 8:00-11:30am AKDT
This training is free through a partnership with the State of Alaska, DHSS, Division of Behavioral Health and The Alaska Training Cooperative, and the UAA Center for Human Development.
The CAMS Framework™ is a therapeutic framework for suicide-specific assessment and treatment of a patient’s suicidal risk. This program is designed for individuals as part of systems of care who encounter suicidal people: clinicians, crisis intervention staff, school counselors, nurses/primary care providers, first responders, clinical managers and students in mental health training programs, as well as administrators, agency directors, and public health and suicide prevention coordinators.
To register, please click here.
National Weekend of Prayer for Faith, Hope and Life May 13-15
The National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention's (Action Alliance) Faith.Hope.Life. campaign invites faith communities across the nation to come together and pray for those whose lives have been touched by suicide.
To learn more, click here.
Alaska Suicide Prevention Conference June 2 & 9, 9:00am-2:00pm AKDT
The Alaska Division of Behavioral Health is offering this 2-day conference to highlight best practices in suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention. National and local experts will present research, programs, and interventions spanning upstream prevention to crisis intervention, through postvention.
For more information and to register, click here (link only works off the State of Alaska network)
9-8-8 Number Will Go Live July 16th: Still Not Known by Most Americans
With less than three months until "9-8-8" is launched as a shortcut to the national suicide prevention hotline, advocates are concerned that relatively few people know about it. The new hotline is set to go live July 16, 2022 nationwide.
For more information click here.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security Suicide Prevention Resources
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has a page with multiple suicide prevention resources for employees including an app that utilizes the Columbia Protocol, developed by Columbia University to help identify those at risk of ending their own lives.
To learn more, click here.
For more information click here.
Alaska Careline For someone to talk to, call anytime: 1-877-266-4357 (HELP) or text 4help to 839863 3-11 p.m. Tue-Sat
Let’s Talk Alcohol and Pregnancy May 17, 5:00-6:00pm AKDT May 18, 12:00-1:00pm AKDT May 19 7:30-8:30am AKDT
The Alaska Center for FASD is providing 3 opportunities to hear this webinar with speaker Marilyn Pierce-Bulger APRN. The goal of the webinar is to help providers understand issues related to women and alcohol use, prenatal alcohol exposure, and FASD prevention via routine alcohol screening and brief intervention strategies.
To download the flyer, click here. For more information or to register, email Sophia Jeudy, sophia@alaskacenterforfasd.org
Your Help Is Needed with My Health Coach App For Adults with FASD
Families Moving Forward (FMF) is working with the Adult Leadership Committee of FASD Change Makers to create an app for adults with FASD. The app, called My Health Coach, is intended to assist adults with FASD in daily life. FMF is looking for adults with FASD to participate in a short online survey to check their eligibility. If eligible, participants will receive a Zoom link and attend a 90-minute focus group meeting, where they will see and discuss what the app looks like. Each participant will receive a $25 gift card as compensation.
For more information, you can call Dr. Christie Petrenko at (585) 275-2991 or email For questions, email emily_speybroeck@urmc.rochester.edu.
To sign up, click here or click here for the study consent form.
Other Resources/Opportunities
If you know of a great resource or opportunity, send us an email and we'll try our best to include it here or in a section above.
Governor's Parent/Foster Parent Collaborative Council Meeting May 9, 12:00-2:00pm AKDT
Administrative Order No. 330 established this council, effective December 14, 2021. The council meets monthly and is responsible for making recommendations to the Office of the Governor and the Office of Children’s Services that will ultimately improve the safety, permanency, and well-being for Alaska’s children and families. In addition to the main meeting, there are 5 subcommittees (disparate outcomes, mental health, parents, caseworkers, and youth). All meetings are open to the public.
To view the administrative order, click here.
To view the public notice with meeting information, click here.
Request for Proposals: Community Family Education Proposals due May 6, by 3:59pm AKDT
The Alaska Office of Children's Services is requesting proposals from eligible applicants to provide parenting classes and support groups to young or new parents, families with children age birth to 17 years, and families who have a member who experiences a disability.
To review the solicitation, click here.
Request for Proposals: Supported Education and/or Supported Employment - Individual Placement and Support Model Proposals due May 10, by 3:59pm AKDT
The Alaska Division of Behavioral Health is requesting proposals from eligible applicants to provide services that improve access to supported employment across the state for adults 18 years or older with serious mental illness, including persons with substance use disorders and co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders and/or adolescents (ages 16-18) with severe emotional disturbance (SED).
To review the solicitation, click here.
Request for Proposals: Mobile Outreach Proposals due May 11, by 3:59pm AKDT
The Alaska Division of Behavioral Health is requesting proposals from eligible applicants to provide 24/7 mobile outreach services that make available psychiatric consultation, and provide rapid face-to-face response (urban teams must respond to clients within an hour, rural and frontier teams must document efforts taken to attempt a rapid face to face response).
To review the solicitation, click here.
Request for Proposals: Recidivism Reduction - Fairbanks Proposals due May 12, by 3:59pm AKDT
The Alaska Division of Behavioral Health is requesting proposals from eligible applicants in the City of Fairbanks to provide case management for individuals reentering communities to support increased access to needed services and supports.
To review the solicitation, click here.
Request for Proposals: First Episode Psychosis Services - Coordinated Specialty Care Model Proposals due May 16, by 3:59pm AKDT
The Alaska Division of Behavioral Health is requesting proposals from eligible applicants to provide services to individuals experiencing first episode psychosis using the Coordinated Specialty Care Model.
To review the solicitation, click here.
Request for Proposals: Psychotropic Medication Oversight and Monitoring Case Review for Children in State Custody or on Medicaid Educational Meeting May 17th 9:00-11:00am Proposals due by September 2, 2022
The Alaska Division of Health Care Services is requesting proposals from eligible applicants to provide independent third-party expert case review to ensure that high value pediatric psychiatry and psychopharmacology care is provided to children enrolled in Alaska Medicaid, particularly children in state custody.
To review the public notice and full solicitation, click here.