Minimal Data Set and ISA Note Extension 11/24/2021
Alaska Department of Health sent this bulletin at 12/24/2021 11:10 AM AKSTThis letter is to respond to the multiple agencies that expressed difficulties to meet the Minimal Data Set (MDS) deadline of 12/31/2021. This deadline for (MDS) records that existed prior to 07/01/2021 was to close out our Federal Reporting such as URS Tables, Mental Health Block Grant and Substance Use Block Grant.
This leaves the division in a scenario where there is no right answer. The division must submit information to our Federal Reporting Obligations. Grant funding the state receives is influenced by the number of clients demonstrated as served throughout the year. A reduction in client counts may impact grant funding and future of funds we can offer to organizations.
The other side of this scenario is where some Community Behavioral Health Agencies reside. This is the holiday season which may be an especially difficult time for the population we serve; as a result, this is a time where staff must respond to meet those needs in the community.
To add to challenges faced by many organizations, there is an increase in staff shortages in the field. As employers in many markets try to attract new employees, it becomes increasingly difficult for behavioral health agencies to compete for qualified staff.
In addition to the complexity of the scenario, the state network services department is adjusting their system to increase security. Something in one of their changes causes an AKAIMS error on a session and people are getting bumped out of the system. This is slowing the efforts for agencies trying to enter data.
The Division of Behavioral Health has decided to move the Minimal Data Set deadline for the items due on 12/31/21 to 01/30/22. I cannot stress the importance of getting this information to the division to maximize future availability of grant options. I also would like to personally thank all the agencies that went the extra mile to give the state the MDS prior to the previous deadline of 12/31/21.
In addition to the Minimal Data Set questions we received, questions on the ISA requirements where all the services needed to be entered into AKAIMS by 12/31/21. This deadline has also been extended to 01/30/22. Some agencies have expressed difficulties with submitting ISA claims. For the months of November and December, if your agency is unable to submit the ISA claims through AKAIMS, you may continue to submit the claims via paper as you had in previous months while the system was offline due to the May 2021 cyberattack.
As the Division of Behavioral Health is connected to multiple program types, this information is directed to Community Behavioral Health Treatment Providers. This does not impact providers that only offer services under the Autism Regulations, Licensed Private Providers that have Private Practices billing under the LCSW, LMFT or LPC groups, or Physician’s Mental Health Clinics.
Best regards,
Patrick Swiger
Health Program Manager II
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