March 12, 2021 Resource Bulletin |
Miss our last email? Past e-bulletins are posted in the left column on both the ABADA and AMHB websites. |
Substance Misuse & Recovery
It is important to approach things one day at a time and to care for all our health concerns such as substance misuse.
Are you Seeking Substance Use or Mental Health Treatment or Are You a Provider?
Funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, TreatmentConnection.com exists in Alaska due to a partnership between the Alaska Office of Substance Misuse and Addiction Prevention and the Division of Behavioral Health. This website links patients to providers on a public-facing portal. Individuals can contact a provider without sharing their identity and the provider can respond via the system, connecting to the care they need.
For more information go here: https://www.treatmentconnection.com/
Sobriety Awareness Month
Recover Alaska is hosting a variety of events this month including partnering with 5 podcasts to share how others are talking about sobriety in Alaska.
To listen to the podcasts click here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1xIoTpORZFiTgDMY-ttFxP5DQjVcL3ExOpxWHtYYbsPU/present
For other events and resources, be sure to visit the Recover Alaska website at the link to the right or by clicking here: https://recoveralaska.org/event/check-out-online-aa-meetings-during-covid-19/
Stigma, Empathy, Trauma-Informed Care - ANTHC March 24th, 10:30am-12:00pm AKDT
This training is part of the 2021 Harm Reduction Series, hosted by ANTHC's Substance Misuse and HIV/STD Prevention Programs. Attendees will receive an introduction to stigma and the shame cycle, trauma informed care at an individual and organizational level, stigma and empathy from the viewpoint of a person with lived experience of addiction/active use/substance use disorder.
To register for this training please go to: https://www.iknowmine.org/harm-reduction-trainings/
Addiction Medicine ECHO Trainings - ANTHC 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month, 12:00pm AKDT Next training March 25th: Overview and Evidence Base for MAT
Project ECHO and the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Behavioral Health partnered to develop a virtual learning network focused on improving delivery of medicine for addiction. If you miss a training, recordings will be posted. For questions email: behavioralhealth@anthc.org
Click here to learn more and to register: https://anthc.org/project-echo/addiction-medicine-echo/
Suicide Prevention & Postvention
Managing our mental health, substance use, and healthy relationships is important.
Talk Saves Lives: A Brief Introduction to Firearms and Suicide Prevention March 23, 12:00-1:00pm AKDT
This American Foundation for Suicide Prevention- Alaska Chapter presentation will cover what we know about suicides by firearms, the most up-to-date research on prevention, and what we can all do to fight suicide. Participants will learn the common risk factors for suicide, how to spot the warning signs in others, and how to keep ourselves, our loved ones, and those in our community safe.
To register please go to: https://talksaveslivesfirearms.attendease.com/
Promoting Hope & Connectedness: Preventing Suicide in Alaska April 20, 9:00am-1:00pm AKDT
The State of Alaska Division of Behavioral Health in cooperation with the Statewide Suicide Prevention Council and the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium will host a suicide prevention virtual conference. Details of the event are still being worked on and an agenda and registration will be available in the coming weeks.
For more information, email monica@goveventservices.com
Alaska Careline For someone to talk to, call anytime: 1-877-266-4357 (HELP) or text 4help to 839863 3-11 p.m. Tue-Sat
Mental Health
The relationship between our immune system and mental health is always important to consider, especially for people with pre-existing mental and physical health conditions.
Free Provider Well-being Webinar Series Third Wednesday of each month,10:00-11:00am AKDT
The Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network is sponsoring a live webinar series with Aleks Martin, MSW, LSWAIC, SUDP, on variety of topics related to provider well-being. Additionally, a podcast will accompany each month’s topic to expand on educational opportunities. Podcasts will generally be available the week following each webinar. This month’s discussion, "Mental Wellness vs. Mental Illness" will help providers identify healthy practices that they can adopt and to recognize stressors through a trauma-informed lens.
To register please click here: https://washington.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_C5QfOXxcTwO6xNxfZtTo8w
Save the Date: Virtual Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Institute and the Child, Adolescent, and Family Conference April 7-13th
This year's conference will be held jointly as usual and will be presented virtually. There will be five days of presentations with renowned national speakers and local experts. Click here to download the flyer.
Click here for the website which will be updated soon: http://www.akaimh.org/iecmhi-cafbhc-joint-conference
Save the Date: 2021 Alaska Veterans and Military Families Mental Health Summit April 20- 21st
The Alaska Coalition For Veterans & Military Families invites you to join them for two days of networking, interactive learning and access to mental health resources in one location. More information including agenda and registration costs to be determined.
For more details please go to: https://www.akcvmf.org/mental-health.html
Alaska Careline For someone to talk to, call anytime: 1-877-266-4357 (HELP) or text 4help to 839863 3-11 p.m. Tue-Sat
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)
Many individuals with FASD have a high rate of pre-existing health conditions and often rely on the help of others. Below are resources for individuals and their caregivers.
Webinar: Results from the FASD Changemaker ‘Lay of the Land’ Survey March 18, 9:00-11:00am AKDT
Webinar panelists will present new findings from a survey of adults with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) highlighting a wide range of life experiences including education, employment, finances, housing, family relationships, parenting with FASD, criminal justice and victims of crime, substance use, adverse childhood experiences, and more.
To register: www.interpersonal.ubc.ca/initiatives/fasd-webinar
Group Discussion: FASD in Alaska’s Education System March 31, 10:00am-12:00pm AKDT
This discussion, sponsored in part by the University of Alaska Anchorage and the Alaska Mental Health Trust, will feature people with a FASD talking about their experiences in public schools, including what were the most helpful contributors toward their success in school.
To sign up, contact Hattie Harvey, haharvey@alaska.edu, or 907-786-4464.
Webinar Series: FASD Across the Lifespan First Wednesday of Each Month, 6:30-8:00pm AKDT Next session April 7, Preschool and Social Development
Alaska Center for Resource Families is hosting a 7-part series for caregivers, family members, foster parents, and service professionals, and explores the impact of prenatal alcohol exposure in individuals across the lifespan, from infancy through adulthood.
To register, and review the upcoming topics, click here: https://www.acrf.org/self-study/fasd-across-the-lifespan
Justice Involved
What support do people have when they are in an institution? What about supporting them when they return to the community? This section is for topics like these and more.
Mat-Su Reentry Summit Recordings: Building Effective Partnerships for Successful Reentry
The January 2021 Virtual Mat-Su Reentry Summit featured national and statewide speakers, with informative break-out sessions in four subject areas: employment/job training, housing, mental health/drug addiction treatment, and criminal justice issues. Keynote presentations included: “The Journey Home: Reentry Services for Men and Women” by Dr. Stephanie Covington; and a presentation on Peer Support by Stephanie Taylor-Silva.
To access these recordings, scroll to the middle of the following page: https://www.valleycharities.org/mat-su-valley-reentry-program/
Other Resources/Opportunities
If you are an agency or an individual with a great resource or opportunity, send us an email and we'll try our best to include it here or in a section above.
Webinar: Brain Injury and the Impact on Employment March 18, 11:00am-12:00pm AKDT
This session will provide an overview of TBI and how it happens, as well as a discussion of the types of challenges it can create personally, academically and professionally. Basic accommodations and strategies for helping individuals with TBI obtain and retain employment will be shared. There are a number of resources available to help, and guidance on accessing them will be provided to support both the individual seeking employment as well as state and community providers assisting them.
To register please go to the Alaska Training Cooperative website at: https://aktclms.org/Training/Class/104057
Supported Decision-Making Conference March 23-25, 11:30am-1:00pm AKDT
This free 3-day online conference hosted by the Statewide Independent Living Council and the Governor's Council on Disabilities and Special Education, will discuss the topic of Supported Decision-Making and Supported Decision-Making Agreements.
- Day 1 will focus on the experiences of self-advocates who have been choosing and directing their supporters and their supports.
- Day 2 will pull together the tools we have and the tools we can envision for making supported decision-making easy, useful, and ordinary.
- Day 3 will be a discussion by state and national experts on ideas from around the country and here at home for funding the workers that make Supported Decision-Making possible.
For more information and to register go here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/supported-decision-making-three-days-three-questions-tickets-143404200825
Alaska Autism Resource Center (AARC) Hosts Autism Month Virtual Event Hub
Click here to see the multiple events going on over the next month: https://www.alaskaarc.org/alaska-autism-month
Virtual Job Fair March 30-April 2
Join the Governor’s Council on Disabilities and Special Education and the State of Alaska’s Department of Labor and Workforce Development for a statewide virtual job fair. This event is open to the public and will focus on connecting people with disabilities with employers, and will provide an opportunity for employers to meet directly with job seekers at times that are convenient to the employer on an online platform. To be included in this online opportunity, email anchorage.employers@alaska.gov before March 19th.
To download the flyer click here.
Optum Collaborative Conference 2021 March 31, 10:00am-3:00pm AKDT to April 1, 8:00am-1:00pm AKDT
Optum Alaska is the Administrative Services Organization for Alaska’s state funded behavioral health system. The Optum Collaborative is a two-day online conference intended for Alaska Medicaid participating providers but is open to all behavioral health providers in Alaska.
To register please go to: https://alaska.optum.com/content/ops-alaska/alaska/en/providers/provider-trainings.html
Full Lives Conference for Direct Service Professionals & Care Coordinators April 12-April 16, Refer to agenda for times
The Alaska Training Cooperative in collaboration with the State of Alaska Senior & Disability Services, UAA Center for Human Development, and the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority is pleased to present the 2021 Full Lives Conference. Keynote presentations and breakout sessions focus on the efforts and trends within the industry to highlight the important role advocacy and self-advocacy play with those we support. There is a fee.
Click here for the agenda.
For registration click here: https://www.aktclms.org/Training/Class/104037
Trust Legislative Conference Every Friday through end of session, 12:15pm AKDT
These meetings are non-partisan and intended as informational about bills and budget items that impact Alaska Mental Health Trust beneficiaries (people with mental illness, substance use disorders, intellectual/developmental disabilities, and Alzheimer's disease and related dementia, and traumatic brain injury). The meeting is an opportunity for beneficiaries, family members, providers of services, administrators, and agency staff, to track bills and ask questions about legislation and the legislative process.
For more information email advocacy.coordinator@mhtrust.org, call 907-465-4765, or visit this website: https://alaskamentalhealthtrust.org/alaska-mental-health-trust-authority/advocacy/joint-advocacy/