January First Friday
January 5, 4:30-7 pm, free admission Alaska State Museum
Two special exhibits, Painting at the End of the Ice Age and Alaska Positive, are currently on at the State Museum.
 Columbia Glacier and Mountains in Mist by David Rosenthal
At the Alaska State Museum through March 30, 2024
David Rosenthal has painted glaciers for the last 48 years. From the Arctic to Antarctica, his work chronicles the retreat of glaciers and sea ice. Painting at the End of the Ice Age documents the effects of climate change within one lifetime. For this exhibition, Rosenthal worked with a group of scientists from around the world on interpretive panels that accompany his paintings.
 Field Jacket, photograph by Matt Johnson
At the Alaska State Museum through March 9, 2024
Now in its 53rd year, Alaska Positive is a juried photography exhibit featuring entries from across the state.
Juried by documentary and fine art photographer Camille Seaman, the exhibit presents a selection of 35 photographs from 24 photographers.
Alaskan photographers submitted 202 entries for the competition. After wrapping up at the State Museum, the exhibit will travel to museums around Alaska.
Artist Talk with Inupiaq Fashion Designer Bobby Brower
Friday, January 19 at 12 pm on Zoom
Bobby Brower (Inupiaq) will give an artist talk on “Life as an Indigenous Business Owner.” The talk is the third event in the Share You Culture / Share Your Research Series, hosted by Friends of Sheldon Jackson Museum. In her presentation, Brower will share her incredible career path, from sewing in middle school in Utqiagvik to becoming the founder of her brand Arctic Luxe and showcasing her contemporary parkas in front of an international audience of 14 million viewers during New York Fashion Week.
Zoom Info https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86391870204?pwd=TWlNcEJhNzBqQjgxcTdobnRMYS9NZz09
Meeting ID: 863 9187 0204 Passcode: Brower
Mount Edgecumbe High School Dance Group
January 24,12:15-12:45 pm Sheldon Jackson Museum
Join us at the Sheldon Jackson Museum for a performance by an Alaska Native High School Student Dance Group Performance with students from Mount Edgecumbe. This is a free event and will be held in the museum gallery. Part of the Share You Culture / Share Your Research Series, hosted by Friends of Sheldon Jackson Museum.
Stephen Haycox Talk on Sitka Industrial Training School
January 26, 12 pm on Zoom
Emeritus Professor of History at the University of Alaska Anchorage will give a Zoom talk on the founding of the ANB and its relation to the Sitka Industrial Training School and the general context of federal policy and action regarding Alaska Native peoples. Part of the Share You Culture / Share Your Research Series, hosted by Friends of Sheldon Jackson Museum.
“Putting the Sitka Industrial Training School in Context: Alaska Natives and the Federal Government."
Zoom Info https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84380644751?pwd=Z2JPWDVTZmd3ai81Q1ozMmpraTNydz09
Meeting ID: 843 8064 4751 Passcode: Haycox
Fridays at noon. Free registration required.
We’re continuing to read this heartfelt remembrance of a longtime Homer character and influential counterculture Alaskan.
This book covers Asaiah’s life from childhood, as Claude Bates, growing up in North Carolina, to treasured Homer icon and prophet to his friends and neighbors in that "Cosmic Hamlet of the Sea." It would be easy to dismiss him as a kook, but persistent involvement in the community and gentle insight were difficult to ignore, and he became treasured by people of all stripes for his willingness, or really insistence, of speaking the truth as he saw it.
Author Martha Ellen Anderson weaves the story through her own quest to fulfill her promise to write this book. Join us!
Upcoming holiday closures
- The State Library and Archives will be closed Jan. 1.
- The State Museum & Sheldon Jackson Museu will be closed Dec. 30.