Field Jacket, photograph by Matt Johnson
Friday, December 1, 4:30–7 pm Alaska State Museum
Now in its 53rd year, Alaska Positive is a juried photography exhibit featuring entries from across the state. Alaska Positive opens at the State Museum on December 1, 2023 and runs through March 9, 2024. It then travels to museums around Alaska.
Juried by documentary and fine art photographer Camille Seaman, the exhibit presents a selection of 35 photographs from 24 photographers.
Matt Johnson received the Juror’s Choice Award for his photograph Field Jacket. Field Jacket is printed with pigment ink on watercolor paper. It depicts a canvas hunting jacket suspended above a beach, near the mouth of Ship Creek in Anchorage.
Loren Holmes and Kerry Tasker received Awards of Recognition for Body of Work: Holmes for his submissions Raven in Wind, Spawning Salmon, Lake Nerka, Snow Crab, St. Paul, and Breaking Ice, Bering Sea; and Tasker for Castner Ice, Cloud Chamber, and Glacier, Knik.
Alaskan photographers submitted 202 entries for the competition.
 Grandmother Walrus mask by Jen Angaiak Wood
Artist Talk with Jen Angaiak Wood (Yup’ik)
Friday, December 1, 12 pm on Zoom
Mask carver Jen Angaiak Wood (Yup’ik) will give a presentation titled “Ancestral Inspirations, Modern Visions.” Wood will share images of her carvings and talk about her artwork, her creative process, and her cultural heritage.
Jennifer Angaiak Wood’s artwork is inspired by her upbringing and heritage. Her work melds the contemporary and the traditional.
Wood was born and raised in Fairbanks but has familial Yup’ik roots in Tununuk, Alaska. Growing up, she spent her summers in Tununuk, on the northwest side of Nelson Island in the Bering Sea. Her experiences there informed her artistic expression and the masks she carves. Although her designs are inspired by ancestral carvings, Wood “incorporates modern materials and concepts to emphasize that the Yupiit, and all indigenous peoples, have a contemporary culture, not just a historic one.”
Zoom Information Or go to and input Meeting ID: 843 3227 2258 and Passcode: Wood.
“Ancestral Inspirations, Modern Visions” is the second lecture in the Friends of Sheldon Jackson Museum’s Share Your Culture/Share Your Research Winter Series. For more information, call the museum at (907) 747-8981.
 Columbia Glacier and Mountains in Mist by David Rosenthal
At the Alaska State Museum through March 30
David Rosenthal has painted glaciers for the last 48 years. From the Arctic to Antarctica, his work chronicles the retreat of glaciers and sea ice. Painting at the End of the Ice Age documents the effects of climate change within one lifetime. For this exhibition, Rosenthal worked with a group of scientists from around the world on interpretive panels that accompany his paintings.
Fridays at noon. Free registration required.
We’re continuing to read this heartfelt remembrance of a longtime Homer character and influential counterculture Alaskan.
This book covers Asaiah’s life from childhood, as Claude Bates, growing up in North Carolina, to treasured Homer icon and prophet to his friends and neighbors in that "Cosmic Hamlet of the Sea." It would be easy to dismiss him as a kook, but persistent involvement in the community and gentle insight were difficult to ignore, and he became treasured by people of all stripes for his willingness, or really insistence, of speaking the truth as he saw it.
Author Martha Ellen Anderson weaves the story through her own quest to fulfill her promise to write this book. Join us!
Upcoming holiday closures
- The State Library and Archives will be closed Dec. 25 & Jan. 1.
- The State Museum will be closed Dec. 26 & 30.
- The Sheldon Jackson Museum will be closed Dec. 23 & 30.