 Seasons of Time Yup'ik Story Mask by David John Angiak
August Native Artist-in-Residence is David John Angaiak (Yup’ik/Unangan)
August 18-September 8 Most weekdays, 9 am-12 pm and 2-4 pm Sheldon Jackson Museum
The Sheldon Jackson Museum is pleased to announce the second artist-in-residence of 2023, David John Angaiak ( Yup’ik/Unangan). Angaiak is a contemporary Alaskan Native visual artist who creates functional Yup’ik Story Masks and Dance Fans. He likes to incorporate traditional and modern elements in his work. Inspiration for his art comes from his love of heritage, and the desire to keep this expression alive for future generations.
For more information on when Angaiak is working at the museum or details about the Alaska Native Artist Residency Program, see the August calendar or call (907) 747-8981.
Natural Pigments Class
Thursday, August 24, 2-3 pm Sheldon Jackson Museum and on Zoom
Artist-in-residence David John Angaiak (Yup’ik/Unangan) will offer a natural pigments class. Learn the traditional application of natural clay pigment on wooden story knives. The class is free, but a $25 materials fee is payable via check to David John Angaiak when you sign up. The class will be in person at the museum and also on Zoom. For ages 15 and up. Class size is up to 8 people. Call the museum at (907) 747-8981 to sign up. Zoom students need to sign up early to allow time to receive materials. Arrange shipping with David John directly.
Behind the Mask Artist Talk
Friday, August 25, 2-3 pm Sheldon Jackson Museum and on Zoom
Artist-in-residence David John Angaiak (Yup’ik/Unangan) will give an artist talk entitled “Behind the Mask: A Yup’ik Expression in a Modern World.”
Join Angaiak on his journey of understanding how culture, religion, and commerce has impacted the art of mask making, as he explores the question "How does one comprehend functional artwork, often viewed in a static environment today?"
To reserve a spot to attend the talk in-person, call the museum at (907) 747-8981.
Zoom Information Visit https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88350564170?pwd=bk45QnBLODFvUzRSUHllb2NoQW15dz09 or zoom.us/join.
Meeting ID: 883 5056 4170 Passcode: DAVID
Alaska State Museum through October 2023
Three interrelated exhibitions co-curated by artist Sonya Kelliher-Combs explore contemporary and historical Alaska Native issues and spotlight gut as a conduit for Indigenous voices.
Visceral: Verity, a new exhibition of work by contemporary artist Sonya Kelliher-Combs, includes mixed-media installations that combine natural and synthetic materials and evoke questions of authentic experience, truth, abuse, transparency, and credibility. Kelliher-Combs is one of only a few artists working with marine mammal gut. She brings to her art the richness of her experience growing up in Nome, her career as an internationally recognized artist, her life in Anchorage, and her insights as a person of Iñupiaq, Athabascan, and European heritage.
Visceral: Legacy expands Kelliher-Combs’s solo exhibition themes through a selection of objects from the museum’s permanent collection.
Visceral: Identity features gut parkas from across Alaska to highlight technical and historical aspects of this remarkable material in cross-cultural perspective.
Fridays, noon-1 pm, online
Story hours for kids are great but why should they get all the fun? All are welcome to listen to live readings of grown-up books about Alaska or Alaskans. Discussion is welcome but not required. Attendance is free with required registration.
Currently reading Good Company: a Mining Family in Fairbanks, Alaska. See our Virtual Alaska Story Hour for Adults page for information on the next book, which we will likely start in late August or early September.
From the book jacket: Good Company is a vivid and compelling story of life in early twentieth-century Alaska. During the lean years of the depression through World War II and Vietnam, Sarah Isto's family made a home in "company housing" in the small mining town of Fairbanks. With a wry sense of humor and an eye for detail, Isto tells of the courtship and marriage of her parents and her own Fairbanks childhood, weaving rich descriptions of daily life and northern living into her story. Good Company celebrates the joys and challenges of family life on the Alaska frontier.
Fr. Andrew P. Kashevaroff Bldg (APK)
395 Whittier St, Juneau (907) 465-4837
Summer Hours & Admission
Alaska State Museum (907) 465-2901 Monday, 1-4:30 pm Tuesday-Sunday, 9 am-4:30 pm $14 adults, $13 seniors (65 and older) Free: Age 18 and younger
Alaska State Library (907) 465-2920 Monday-Friday, 10 am-4 pm. No admission fee.
Alaska State Archives (907) 465-2270 Appointment suggested. Monday-Friday, 10 am-4 pm. No admission fee.
Alaska Historical Collections (907) 465-2925 Appointment suggested. Monday-Friday, 10 am-4 pm. No admission fee.
Raven Café (907) 209-9271 Monday-Friday, 9 am-3 pm Saturday-Sunday, 10 am-3 pm
Sheldon Jackson Museum (SJM)
104 College Dr, Sitka (907) 747-8981
Summer Hours & Admission
Monday-Saturday, 9 am-4:30 pm Sunday, 1-4:30 pm $9 adults, $8 seniors (65 and older) Free: Age 18 and younger