In this edition of the Alaska Reading Newsletter:
- A Message from ACSA/ASDN
- Alyeska Reading Institute *NEW
- Alaska-specific Reading Specialist Endorsement Program *NEW
- State-Sponsored Literacy Screener
- DEED/R16CC Professional Development *Courses filling up
- Updates from Early Education
- Important DUE DATES regarding Alaska Reads Act requirements
- 2024 SoR Symposium Save the Date
- CLSD Grant Recipient Highlights *NEW
- Alaska School Spotlight - Bering Strait School District
- Thoughts from 2023 SoR Ambassador Awardee
- AKLearns and Quick Links *UPDATED
- Meet the Academic Support Team
Please help us grow readership by forwarding this newsletter to all staff, your colleagues, and interested stakeholders. Encourage them to subscribe using the link provided as a sidebar with this newsletter!
Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year! DEED looks forward to supporting all of our Alaska School Districts, Staff, Students, and Families.
Alaska Council of School Administrators
Leadership, Unity and Advocacy
for Public Education
234 Gold Street • Juneau, AK 99801
Phone: (907) 586-9702 • Fax: (907) 364-3805
Following the passage of the Alaska Reads Act by the Alaska Legislature, the Alaska Council of School Administrators (ACSA) team worked with our district and school partners to prepare educators across Alaska for the implementation of the Reads Act. ACSA is a fifty-year-old non-profit dedicated to serving public education. Our mission is policy, advocacy, and unity for public education. Through our umbrella organization, we offer support and professional development for educators at every level, superintendents, principals, and teachers.
We have several efforts aimed at supporting reading, early literacy, Reads Act implementation and good instruction. A couple of examples follow. Last year, DEED and ACSA assisted 18 school districts in developing a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) framework that supported their K-3 reading plans. Our collaboration with consultants from Safe and Civil Schools allowed district teams to lead through research-supported practices that addressed areas in which a robust MTSS system would support the science of reading initiative. We are currently supporting districts to complete their state plan.
The Alaska Staff Development Network (ASDN) offered webinars at no cost to any district interested in the science of reading and implementing an MTSS system. These webinars focused on topics such as MTSS with Dr. Judy Elliott, developing language comprehension with Lexie Domaradzki and Shelby Skaanes, and teaching reading across content settings with Dr. Pam Kastner. We take pride in offering the highest quality professional learning.
During the virtual and face-to-face MTSS Conference in January, ASDN also offered a Science of Reading Strand that featured presenters such as Dr. Anita Archer, Lexie Domaradzki, and Shelby Skaanes. Our MTSS/RTI Effective Instruction conference is scheduled for January 27-28, 2024, in Anchorage and again will support all educators with reading support.
Additionally, the Alaska Staff Development Network (ASDN) has been working with NWEA to support a Science of Reading course for leaders that addresses the requirement for principals with K-3 grades to complete a Science of Reading course.
ASDN also offers, as a membership benefit, several Science of Reading courses through their asynchronous library, including Building Comprehension in the Primary Grades, Magnifying Reading Intervention Through Science and Research and Shifting Your Focus to the Science of Reading.
The Alaska Superintendents Association (ASA) will continue to utilize DEED staff to provide updates and professional development on the Reads Act and implementation. During our upcoming ASA Fall Conference, new superintendents will conduct reviews of the implementation of the Reads Act and the use of key elements of the science of reading. The conference will also feature a presentation from Brent Conway.
To support principals with implementing the Reads Act, ACSA has offered professional development provided by DEED at our annual Principals' Conference, as well as updates from the department around the new regulations during our monthly principal collaboration meetings. These offerings will continue at this year's Principals' Conference and monthly Zoom Meetings for all PK-12 principals.
Additionally, our ACSA grants team supported deeper professional learning in a series of rural districts on Visible Learning High Impact Instructional practices that apply to any setting, including literacy instruction. Our grants team is also working to support the development of a Yugtun language assessment that complements overall language development and meets the Reads Act goal of supporting literacy across Native Alaskan languages in our state.
In partnership, ACSA's umbrella organizations and DEED are working to support Alaska's educators to successfully implement the Reads Act and support literacy outcomes for all students in Alaska.
For more information, please contact us at 907-586-9702
Alyeska Reading Institute
Alyeska Reading Institute (ARI) is a division within DEED specifically designed to support districts and provide services for the successful implementation of the Alaska Reads Act. For more information access ARI District Flyers at the links below, or contact

 Alaska-specific Reading Specialist
Endorsement Program
Are you (or is an educator you know) looking to up your game as a reading teacher this year? Alaska DEED and R16CC are pleased to announce a new no-cost Reading Specialist endorsement program designed specifically for Alaska’s educators.
The AK Reading Specialist endorsement program provides the opportunity for educators with at least three years of teaching experience to explore and apply current research on effective reading strategies and improve student literacy outcomes in Alaska's K-12 classrooms. Aligned with the science of reading and the International Dyslexia Association's Knowledge and Practice Standards for Teachers of Reading, Alaska's program is designed to provide participants with advanced literacy pedagogy focused on connecting reading theory, curriculum, and assessment to broaden literacy-specific knowledge and instructional practices, and to strengthen other responsibilities encountered in our state's unique and diverse classroom settings.
Sponsored and funded by Alaska DEED and R16CC, the AK Reading Specialist endorsement program is offered at no-cost to selected educators. Fees associated with optional college credits are the responsibility of individual participants.
Applicants must commit to completion of the full program when applying. Cohort size will be limited to 50-60 educators, selected through a panel review of applications and possible panel interviews. Program selection will emphasize distribution across Alaska's public school districts, and priority will be given to ensuring as many districts are represented as possible.
The program may be completed in as little as one year, with the first cohort launching in September 2023. Learn more at
DEADLINE TO APPLY: Friday, September 1, 2023
Cohort selection confirmation: On or before September 8, 2023
State-Sponsored Literacy Screener
The Alaska Reads Act went into effect July 1, 2023 requiring a literacy screener be administered to all students in Kindergarten through grade three. Any person responsible for administering the literacy screener assessment is required to attend a minimum of one full initial training prior to administering the assessment.
Literacy Screener and Alaska Reads Act supporting and guiding documents are being uploaded on the DEED website, check it out here,
Questions? Contact Tracy Parker,
DEED sponsored Science of Reading Courses
Please visit the DEED Professional Development webpage for SoR course updates. You can also visit under "events" to look for calendar updates with information.
Keys to Literacy SoR Courses
This is the full schedule of available Keys to Literacy courses and registration dates.
Fall 2023 (Registration opens 7/31 and closes 8/11)
These cohorts are FULL.
Winter 2023 (Registration opens 11/6 and closes 11/17)
Cohort 1: Nov. 22 - Mar. 13, 4:00 - 6:00 pm (Wednesdays)
Meetings on 12/13, 1/10, 1/31, 2/21, and 3/13
Cohort 2: Nov. 22 - Mar. 14, 4:00 - 6:00 pm (Thursdays)
Meetings on 12/14, 1/11, 2/1, 2/22, 3/14
Cohort 3: Nov. 22 - Mar. 16, 8:30 - 10:30 am (Saturdays)
Meetings on 12/16, 1/13, 2/3, 2/24, 3/16
Spring 2024 (Registration opens 1/29 and closes 2/9)
Cohort 1: Feb. 12 - May 22, 4:00 - 6:00 pm (Wednesdays)
Meetings on 3/6, 3/27, 4/10, 5/1, 5/22
Cohort 2: Feb. 12 - May 23, 4:00 - 6:00 pm (Thursdays)
Meetings on 3/7, 3/28, 4/11, 5/2, 5/23
Cohort 3: Feb. 12 - June 1, 8:30 - 10:30 pm (Saturdays)
Meetings on 3/9, 3/30, 4/13, 5/4, 6/1
Summer 2024 (fast tracked course; Registration opens 4/8 and closes 4/19)
Apr. 22 - June 22, 8:30 - 10:30 am (Saturdays)
Meetings on 5/18, 6/1, 6/8, 6/15, 6/22
Summer 2024 (fast tracked course; Registration opens 5/6 and closes 5/17)
May 20 - June 24, 8:30 - 10:30 am (Mondays and Thursdays)
Meetings on 6/10, 6/13, 6/17, 6,20, 6/24
Visit the Alaska Keys to Literacy website for more information:
Note: Keys to Literacy satisfies Alaska Reads Act educator qualification requirements for both teachers and leaders. It is open to educators in Grades K-6, but required for K-3. Please make sure you have reviewed your schedule and the DEED Guidelines/Expectations for Courses sheet prior to registering. Full participation and attendance is expected.
NWEA for Administrators SoR Course
The NWEA for Administrators course opened for registration on May 8, 2023. There are multiple course option dates available. Register NOW!
Applicants should register for their preferred term (fall, winter, or spring).
Cohorts 1 & 2 will occur August 31–December 14 (COHORTS ARE FULL)
Cohorts 3 & 4 will occur October 26–February 29 (COHORTS FILLING QUICKLY)
Cohorts 5 & 6 will occur January 9–April 25.
The detailed schedule for virtual seminars can be accessed via the registration link.
Note: It is recommended that District Leaders take this course, however Keys to Literacy and LETRS also satisfy Alaska Reads Act educator qualification requirements.
Opportunities for LETRS training!
LETRS for Classroom Educators (Cohort 7) launched in June, and will be followed by additional cohorts for K-5 teachers, administrators, and early childhood educators in late summer and early fall 2023. To learn more or to apply for an upcoming LETRS training, please visit the Alaska LETRS Overview Guide at Sponsored by Region 16 CC.
Upcoming: DEED sponsored LETRS course opportunities! Stay tuned!
Dyslexia Training Opportunity with Neuhaus Education Center
This Fall, an exciting opportunity awaits special education teachers as applications open for the Neuhaus Online Certification Preparation for Dyslexia Specialists (OCPDS). This program, supported by DEED, offers specialized training at no cost to the individual or district, equipping educators with skills to intervene effectively with dyslexic and struggling readers. The program, accredited by the International Dyslexia Association, spans 24 months with three phases of instruction, allowing participants to integrate the coursework into their professional lives.
The cornerstone of OCPDS is the Concepts in Literacy curriculum, a Structured Literacy framework tailored for educators working with language learning needs. This comprehensive curriculum provides proven strategies for addressing dyslexia and similar challenges, empowering educators to make a profound impact on their students' literacy development. Special education directors for each district are being provided additional details and information for signing up (limited space available). The 2023 Alaska Cohort begins November 21, 2023. Future Alaska Cohorts will be announced at a later date. For more information and application details, districts may contact the DEED Special Education team at (907) 465-8693 or
Mark your calendars for DEED's new event:
Coffee and Content
(starting September 2023; REGISTER NOW!)
 Alaska Science of Reading all year? Yes, please!
Once a month, starting in September, join us for Coffee and Content! We have an amazing line up for our first year which will lead right up to AKSOR 2024!
Each reading leader will share a direct to classroom technique or strategy to add to your SOR toolkit (curricular agnostic) for about 15 -20 minutes. After some content, stay for some educator chat! Have questions about reading, choosing interventions, perhaps you are a single teacher in a village school needing a collaboration partner, or does a student just have you stuck and you want a think partner? This will be an open time for conversation, sharing, and problem solving! Sign up link is below!
Dr. Timothy Rasinski will be joining us for September 18th! Be sure to register!
Alaska Reading Playbook Recorded Training Guides
Looking for asynchronous guided training in the science of reading? Curious to learn evidence-based strategies in teaching reading? Check out Alaska’s Reading Playbook six recorded training sessions along with facilitator guides and slide decks. This series can be used in staff training or family and community events for anyone supporting young students learning to read.
Alaska’s Reading Playbook is a guide for educators teaching in Alaska’s unique educational landscape. This playbook combines decades of nationwide research with examples and resources developed by educators in our state. Organized by concepts, you’ll find an introduction to phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension, and links to valuable resources where you can continue to deepen your knowledge. Each section provides both the science behind the strategies as well as links to videos modeling the teaching strategies.
Beyond the Playbook
- a new PD series -

Catch Them Before They Fall: Working with Emerging and Struggling Readers in the Primary Grades
September 5-26, Tuesdays and Thursdays
4:00-5:30pm AKST
Working with Multilingual Learners and Academic Language Learners
September 28-October 19, Tuesdays and Thursdays
4:00-5:30pm AKST
Working with Struggling Readers Grade Three and Beyond
October 24, 26, and November 2-16, Tuesdays and Thursdays
4:00-5:30pm AKST (no session Oct. 31)
Choose any or all three modules! Must register to participate.
Register here
Alaska Reads Act Presentations
If you have Alaska Reads Act questions or your District would like to request an in-person or
virtual presentation on the Alaska Reads Act, reach out to us at:
DEED Assessment
Outreach Project Survey
The Alaska Department of Education and Early Development (DEED) has partnered with Denali Daniels + Associates to host a series of discussions and information gathering activities to better understand the assessment needs of entities serving Alaska Native students. We are seeking input from parents, educators, and community members interested in contributing to perspectives about assessments for Alaska Native students.
If you would like to get more information about the DEED Assessment Outreach Project, please click the links below.
Please visit our LANDING PAGE which includes an ISSUE PAPER with more information about what we covered in this survey, and a link to sign up to receive future information about the Assessment Outreach Project.
This survey will be open until the end of summer 2023! Please share with others you think would be interested.
DEED is recruiting!
Alaska's Statewide Assessment
Review Opportunities
DEED is recruiting for three virtual events that Alaska educators can be involved in the assessment item development process for AK STAR, the Alaska Science Assessment, or both! If you have a strong understanding of Alaska’s current academic standards and currently live in Alaska, we’d love to have you participate
See the flyer below for information!
Complete the assessment interest form if you’d like to participate in any of these virtual events. Only completed applications will be considered.
Free English Learner-Related
Professional Learning Workshops
As part of the WIDA Consortium (developer of Alaska’s English Language Proficiency Assessment, ACCESS for ELLs), educators in Alaska have access to a variety of self-paced, online English learner-related professional learning workshops. These cover a variety of topics, including strategies for engaging English learners in various content areas, how to use WIDA’s English Language Development standards framework in the classroom, and more. These workshops are not restricted to EL specialists - any educator with ELs in their classroom (including paraprofessionals, instructional coaches, etc.) are welcome to complete these workshops.
See the WIDA Self-Paced Workshops menu for more information, and to find a workshop(s) that are of interest to you. These workshops are available until August 31, 2023. An updated menu of offerings will be released by WIDA on September 1.
Please Note: A free WIDA Secure Portal is required to access these workshops. Contact your District Test Coordinator to get an account. Alternatively, you can contact WIDA Customer Service at
WIDA Website:
Questions? Please contact Eli Barsy at
Information from DEED's Early Education Team!
Pre-Elementary Approval to Operate
Due September 15 per regulation 4 AAC 60.036, all districts with a preschool classroom of 5 or more students aged 3-5 years must annually apply to DEED for Pre-Elementary Approval to Operate. To submit your application, go to and click on the link under the heading, “Pre-Elementary Approval to Operate.” If you have any questions, please contact Kristen Spencer at
Teaching Strategies GOLD
All Alaska School District programs are welcome to utilize the Statewide Pre-Elementary Assessment tool, Teaching Strategies for PreK students. Utilizing the statewide assessment tool is one of the Early Education Program standards for districts who wish to apply for 0.5ADM funding for their students.
Please contact Supanika Ordoñez ( to get your district added under the DEED license and to join our monthly statewide support calls.
District Reading Intervention Plan (K-3 MTSS Plan)
DUE: on or before September 1st
The September 1st plan submission deadline is fast approaching! DEED has received 17
K-3 MTSS Plans, with more coming in regularly. Don't delay!
NEW** DEED has a dedicated help/support link for Districts that need assistance regarding their K-3 MTSS plans. Need help? Follow this Link for District DRIP Assistance.
K-3 Literacy Screener Waiver
DUE: on or before March 1st of each year
Did you know? 96% of districts have chosen to use the state-adopted literacy screener, Amplify’s mCLASS with DIBELS 8th Edition. If your district would like to utilize a different literacy screener, a waiver will need to be applied for by March 1st of each year.
K-3 Educator Qualifications Requirement
DUE: July 1, 2025
Long term schedules for both Keys to Literacy for Teachers and NWEA for Leaders are now available to help you in planning for meeting Alaska Reads Act educator qualification requirements. When registering, please assure you can commit to attending all meetings and completing course requirements. For your convenience, DEED has developed an expectations/guidelines sheet with information about the DEED FREE PD courses.
Follow this link for information regarding what to do after you have completed your course.
Alaska Reads Act Educator Verification Information
Use this form for adding the Alaska Reads Act Educator Endorsement.
Alaska Reads Act Educator Endorsement Form