Somerset Council

We're now consulting on Norton St Philip's Neighbourhood Plan  

Landscape of the parish of Norton St Philip.

Credit: Mike Hodgson

Norton St Philip Parish Council has submitted its Neighbourhood Plan to us.

Norton St Philip Parish Council have already consulted widely on the Plan with residents, businesses and a whole range of interest groups during the production of the Plan and Somerset Council is now publicising the submitted plan and inviting responses. The consultation period has been extended by a week to allow extra time over Christmas. Following consultation the plan will be considered by an independent Examiner. The plan will then be subject to a referendum, before it is finally adopted if local people vote for it.

The Local Plan sets out the overall development strategy for the area, including housing numbers and broad locations, whilst the Neighbourhood Plan looks in more detail at Norton St Philip. It contains local objectives and policies for the village including protecting the character and heritage of Norton St Philip, design requirements for new building, public open spaces and a site for housing. The plan has been amended following a previous Judicial Review and Court hearings.

Once finalised, the Neighbourhood Plan will be used in determining planning applications and future use of land. Norton St Philip Neighbourhood Plan Group has prepared the Plan and Somerset Council is now publicising the Plan as required before it goes to public examination.

People have the opportunity to let Somerset Council know their views on the Plan and its proposals.

The consultation started Friday 29 November 2024 and will close Friday 17 January 2025.

Copies of the documents are available via our Neighbourhood plans in production and made page or in paper form at our Shepton Mallet offices from Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 5pm.

To have your say on the plan and its proposals, a written representations must be submitted using our consultation form and returned either via email to, by post of hand delivered to:

Planning Policy East
Somerset Council
Cannards Grave Road
Shepton Mallet

Representations received outside of the consultation period may not be accepted.

For any queries, email or telephone 0300 123 2224 and ask for Planning Policy East team.