National WIC Breastfeeding Week (August 1-7, 2024)

Annually, during the first week of August, National WIC Breastfeeding Week is observed alongside World Breastfeeding Week to advocate and bolster breastfeeding as the optimal nutrition for infants. Supporters can share breastfeeding-related messages, images, and hashtags across personal or organizational social media platforms. You can access messages crafted by WIC State agencies under a grant to execute and assess the WIC Breastfeeding Support campaign, categorized by topics such as Mom Motivation, Thriving Baby, WIC Resources, Breastfeeding Tips, Family and Friends, and Breastfeeding Month.

Mother breastfeeding baby

For this year's National WIC Breastfeeding Week, and to help promote and support breastfeeding all year long, use these features on the WIC Breastfeeding Support website:

In addition, you'll find downloadable resources and materialsvideos, and the WIC Breastfeeding Check-In Tool on the WIC Breastfeeding Support site (not to mention articles to share with participants), there are a number of resources to help WIC staff promote and celebrate breastfeeding this August, and year-round to help meet the Healthy People 2030 Breastfeeding Objectives, which includes increasing the proportion of infants:

USDA Proclamation: National WIC Breastfeeding Week | Food and Nutrition Service

Federal Partners Breastfeeding Month Awareness

The U.S. Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division (WHD) and the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) are commemorating Breastfeeding Awareness Month in August 2024 by hosting a series of webinars. These webinars will cover workplace protections for new and expecting mothers, along with resources available in each state. You are cordially invited to participate in the inaugural event of this series. The U.S. Department of Labor is conducting online webinars in August focusing on the workplace rights of expectant and new mothers to celebrate Breastfeeding Awareness Month.

Following the initial webinar, subsequent sessions will concentrate on resources and local legislation in eight Southeastern states. These sessions will feature stakeholders who offer expertise, support, and assistance to parents and breastfeeding mothers. Panelists will differ by state and will include representatives from state Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) programs, milk banks, support groups, lactation consultants, and others. To view sessions specific to your state, please click here.

Resources for Pregnancy and Parenthood PDF.pdf