Strengthening SNAP: Grant Opportunities for States and Partners

SNAP is the largest domestic food and nutrition assistance program for low-income individuals in the nation. FNS is committed to enhancing the program and helping participants access nutritious food. In pursuit of these objectives, FNS has announced the 2024 SNAP Process and Technology Improvement Grants Program (PTIG) and the 2024 Fraud Framework Implementation Grant (FFIG) application requests. The USDA invites organizations to apply, supporting state agencies and their community-based and faith-based partners in developing and implementing projects that utilize technology to improve the SNAP application and eligibility determination processes, as well as to reduce recipient fraud.

SNAP Process and Technology Improvement Grants Program

Father and son choosing vegetables in a grocery store.

Process and Technology Improvement Grants (PTIGs) provide up to $5 million to fund initiatives aimed at enhancing SNAP customer service, client communication, administrative infrastructure, and daily operations, as well as promoting technology that fosters collaboration and joint enrollment between SNAP and other aid programs. SNAP expects to grant awards ranging from $20,000 to $2,000,000 to a maximum of 12 recipients in August 2024. The previous year's grants highlighted a range of innovative and significant projects. Click here to view a summary of the grants awarded last year.

SNAP Fraud Framework Implementation Grant (FFIG)

SNAP Framework Logo

The SNAP Fraud Framework Implementation Grants (FFIGs) provide up to $5 million to support state agencies in developing projects that align with the seven elements of the SNAP Fraud Framework. Focusing on countering new threats such as card skimming, state agencies are invited to propose initiatives aimed at the prevention, detection, and mitigation of benefit theft. SNAP expects to grant awards ranging from $150,000 to $750,000 to as many as nine recipients in August 2024. The previous year's grants highlighted innovative and effective efforts to tackle recipient fraud. For further details, please review the summary of the grants awarded last year.