Somerset Council

Wild Dreams: Passion for nature leads to exciting rewilding project

The site in staplegrove that is set to have rewilding areas

Local nature champion Vikki from Staplegrove in Taunton had a vision to help nature and bring it closer to her neighbours, and she is set to make this a reality in parts of the green spaces in the area. Her ideas included creating a community garden, reducing grass cutting and supporting wildflowers, bug hotels and nest boxes, as well as replacing the public general waste bins with recycling bins.

We asked Vicki to tell us her story on how she went about making the dream a reality:

“Once I had my ideas for the rewilding project together, I initiated contact with the council to discuss rewilding our local area, which boasts abundant green spaces. My proposals included reducing grass cutting, establishing a community garden, planting wildflowers, creating bug hotels, and replacing general waste bins with recycling bins. I wasn't sure where to start so I contacted Councillors’ Dixie Darch and Edward Firmin. Their involvement proved crucial.

“Ed kindly came and met me on a Sunday, and we looked at all the bins in the area and he agreed to look into upgrading them all to include recycling around his patch of Staplegrove. Thank you Ed!

“Dixie also came out and met me with Daniel from the Council’s Open Spaces Team, and this is the main reason the idea could become a reality.  Their help to liaise with the relevant council departments so I could understand all the policies and procedures means we can now secure a large part of Staplegrove Park for rewilding.  So, thank you Dixie and Daniel it wouldn't have happened without you.

“Once we had agreement and a plan, I contacted Bryony Slaymaker from Wildlife Trust (I volunteer as a Water Guardian for the Trust and so I know her through this). She was very helpful in giving me great tips on what to plant, where, when and could best help wildlife, and who to contact to make this happen. She thought an orchard, native wildflowers, a hedgerow and cutting back the laurel and brambles in places and to get various types of nesting boxes would be best. I would also really like to clear out the stream as water sources are so vital to nature.... but I've not asked Daniel about that part yet! She also advised that we involve the community, so I'll soon be putting up a stall at the local school at home time to explain our ideas and get community buy-in.

“The last person and organisation I have to thank so much is Men in Sheds. They were more than willing to help, and made and donated 10 wonderful bird boxes within the space of just 2 weeks. I am planning to give them a donation, but all they wanted in return is for me to let people know how they've helped me as they're keen to keep doing their great work to support people in the community. Every time I go in there I'm met with a warm welcome; the place is a hive of activity and there's a substantial group of members enjoying each other's company and producing some fine pieces of work. Good use of recycling, reusing but also great for their mental health.

Somerset Council's greenspace team installing the Men's Shed bird boxes at Staplegrove

“I've been very lucky, with the help of a few good people from various organisations I've managed to get this project off the ground.”

“So that's my story so far. There is a lot to do, and I hope to be able to give you an update as the project comes together. I hope my story has inspired anyone reading this to look at the green spaces where they are and see if there is space for nature.”

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