Somerset Council

Wells Neighbourhood Plan

Wells Cathedral Green

The Wells Neighbourhood Plan has been developed by the City Council over a number of years, working with the community. Extensive consultation was carried out in 2014, 2022 and 2023.

The Neighbourhood Plan was submitted to Somerset Council in March 2023. In line with the legislation, it was subject to Independent Examination. The Examiner’s Report was received on 2 October 2023. The report concluded that a modified Neighbourhood Plan, in accordance with the Examiner’s recommendations, could proceed to referendum.

The referendum was held on 26 January 2024 and 81% of those who took part voted in favour. The Neighbourhood Plan was therefore made part of the development plan for the area at our Planning and Transport Policy Sub Committee meeting on 14 February 2024.

The Wells Neighbourhood Plan contains 14 policies, which following the making of the revised Plan, will form part of the statutory development plan and therefore may be used when determining planning applications in the Neighbourhood Area.

The Wells Neighbourhood Plan Polices are:

  • Policy HBE1 - Heritage and Built Environment
  • Policy HBE2 - Local Heritage Assets
  • Policy H1 - Responding to Local Housing Need
  • Policy H2 - High Quality Housing Design
  • Policy H3 - Housing Fit For The Future
  • Policy MA1 - Constraints and Opportunities on The Local Highway, Cycleway and Footpath Network
  • Policy RCB1 - New Development within Primary Frontages
  • Policy RCB2 - Commercial Development and Responding to Climate Change
  • Policy RCB3 - Supporting the Local Economy through Provision of Small Employment Premises and Workspace Hubs
  • Policy TOU1 - Tourism
  • Policy ENV1 - Protecting the Character of the Landscape, Views and Setting
  • Policy ENV2 - Nature Recovery Networks (including Protected Areas of Biodiversity, Geodiversity and Habitat)
  • Policy ENV 3 - Local Green Spaces
  • Policy ENV3a - Open Spaces and Recreation

The Plan can be viewed via our Made Neighbourhood Plans webpage.