Somerset Council

Connect Somerset success stories: Helping a single mum get back on her feet

A mother's hand holding her baby's fingers.

This week, a Family Intervention Worker shares how a single mother was helped back on her feet by Connect Somerset.

“The Family Intervention Service referred me to a single mum who needed support after fleeing domestic abuse. Mum and baby were socially isolated, so visits from myself and a social worker would often be the only human interaction mum had.

“I gradually encouraged mum to rebuild her confidence, which included visits to the local library and the bank together to apply for available funding; referrals for addition support through the Job Centre and Christians Against Poverty; attending a local wellbeing event unaccompanied which included speaking to a work coach; and securing a part-time job and thriving in the new role.

“The whole journey of support has taken just over a year and was a combined effort from just some of the amazing support networks available for free in Somerset.”

Connect Somerset is a partnership between Somerset Council, Somerset NHS, Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprises (VCFSEs), schools, colleges and early years settings, which aims to make it easier for Somerset residents to get the help they need and to get it early.  

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