Somerset Council

Find a Warm Welcome near you!

Spark Somerset Logo, captioned 'A Warm Welcome for all'.

Warm Welcome spaces can be found in community venues throughout Somerset and are open to anyone.

Discover a warm and friendly environment where you can socialise over a hot drink and take part in activities.

Each participating venue has signed up to a Warm Welcome Charter agreeing that:

  • It doesn't matter why you need a Warm Welcome
  • You’ll get a Warm Welcome as well as a warm space
  • Everyone is treated equally, with dignity and respect
  • Their Warm Welcome will be a safe space
  • They won’t tell anyone about your visit

There are many reasons you might choose to visit a Warm Welcome space. Fiona, a volunteer at the Warm Welcome in Pawlett, explains. “One attendee told us he got to meet people he probably wouldn’t have otherwise and that it helped promote a good feeling – especially for older people like him who live alone.

“Another regular is a young lady who lives alone and works from home. She has visited to break up her day and interact with the people in the village.”

To find a Warm Welcome near you, visit the online map.