AskRail gives first responders and ECCs rapid access to railcar hazmat information

The Feb. 3 East Palestine, Ohio, train derailment served as a reminder that first responders across the United States need rapid and easy access to information about hazardous materials on trains passing through their jurisdictions.

As a backup to the train’s consist and conductor, AskRail is a free application for first responders that provides immediate access to accurate, timely data about what type of hazardous materials (hazmat) a railcar is carrying so they can make an informed decision about how to respond to a rail emergency.

The AskRail app was created in 2014 as a collaborative effort between America's Class I freight railroads; Amtrak; the International Association of Fire Chiefs; the Association of American Railroads (AAR), and its subsidiary Railinc, who administers the app and associated services. The application is available for mobile devices, desktop computers, and the web, and technical support is provided by Railinc.

For security reasons, AskRail is not available to the public. Applicants must be vetted and approved for access to AskRail by a Class 1 freight railroad. First responders who could potentially respond to a rail-related incident are eligible.

While the app has been available to first responders since its launch in 2014, railroads have since expanded those eligible for access. AAR is currently working with emergency management agencies to pilot the integration of AskRail into emergency communications centers (ECCs), so that ECCs can push rail-related hazmat information to first responders at an incident scene.

Applying for access to AskRail is a streamlined process. Applicants can download the free app and then complete and submit the registration form within the app. The registration form asks for basic information about the individual’s job role and organization. Applicants select the Class 1 railroad located in their response area, who will become the sponsor. Upon submittal, the app automatically sends this information to the appropriate railroad for approval.

AAR is encouraging railroads to offer the app to known emergency responders along their routes. The railroad industry is encouraging state and local ECCs to integrate AskRail into operations. Finally, emergency services agencies operating in jurisdictions with railroads are encouraged to request access to AskRail.

AAR and the Class 1 freight railroads encourage first responders and emergency planners to share this information widely with fellow responders and their local ECCs who could benefit from this valuable and free service.

AAR provides a fact sheet for first responders on AskRail, with information on the app’s purpose and how to access it. A fact sheet for ECCs is now available as well. Additional information is available at

Contact with any questions.

(Sources: AAR, AskRail)