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Simple Swaps for Plastic Free July

#1 - Don't use 'The Big 4' (plastic cutlery, plastic straws, takeaway cups and plastic shopping bags)

#2 - Avoid pre-packaged goods and buy loose fruit/veg where you can

#3 - Invest in a reusable shopping bag made from sustainable materials

#4 - Use your own containers e.g. bring a reusable cup or tupperware with you when you're buying food on the go

#5 - Avoid items which generate microplastics like laundry products in plastic film

#6 - Refuse single-use sanitary products and swap to something like a cup or washable pads

#7 - When it’s time to replace cleaning brushes and cloths, switch from synthetic to natural fibres for cleaning dishes

#8 - Switch from disposable razors to safety razors with replaceable blades 

#9 - Choose to refuse balloons and single-use plastic party decorations e.g. swap glitter for confetti made of dried petals

#10 - Buy cosmetics/care products which do not use plastic packaging like conditioner bars or cake mascara

#11 - Conduct a garbage bin audit to discover all the ‘waste’ that could be avoided, recycled, or composted

#12 - Try homemade cleaning products ; make a simple all-purpose cleaner with equal parts of white vinegar and water

#13 - Incorporate 'refillosophy' into your life and refill at bulk store

#14 - Swap to 'experiences' over presents; going to the cinema rather than plastic toys/gifts that will end up in landfill

#15 - Switch from plastic to bamboo toothbrushes (and maybe try plastic free toothpaste whilst you're at it)

#16 - Reuse what you have when you can e.g. reuse plastic takeaway containers for meal prep

#17 - Swap liquid soap (in plastic bottles) for bar soap or refill your liquid soap bottle

#18 - Ditch cling film for alternatives like beeswax wraps, baking paper, or glass/steel containers

#19 - Switch to plastic-free teabags or loose leaf tea to slice a chunk of the single-use plastics coming out of your household

#20 - Avoid plastic cartons where there are glass bottle alternatives e.g. milk, stock, juices, and flavoured milk

#21 - Swap to plastic-free, refillable stationery like fountain pens or use notebooks made from recycled paper

#22 - Use what you have e.g. reusable cutlery - metal cutlery in the drawer is just as reusable as a set of bamboo cutlery

#23 - Instead of buying herbs pre-cut and packaged in plastics, try growing your own at home

#24 - Switch from plastic to compostable dental floss

#25 - Say NO to fast fashion; check if you can borrow first or look on secondhand sites like Vinted

#26 - Keep condiments in your desk drawer or fridge to avoid using plastic sachets

#27 - Avoid chewing gum and swap to mints

#28 - Consider washable bamboo makeup remover pads in paper packaging over cotton pads in plastic bags

#29 - Carry metal or bamboo straws with you and avoid a soggy sip

#30 - Ditch wet wipes containing plastic for reusable muslins and flannels

#31 - Take it forward! Going plastic-free isn’t exclusive to July!