Jackie Beck

Jackie Beck lives in Park Township, Michigan with her husband and two dogs. She loves exploring nature and wandering the lakeshore, both on and off the water. You will most often find her shooting photos, but she also creates using oil, acrylic, and other art forms.

Harminder Boparai

My name is Harminder Boparai. I am from India, I came in the US in 2015, and restarted my art journey here in Michigan. I have participated in so many competitions and exhibitions. I have a passion for all the discarded things and am even a compulsive hoarder. What seems unappealing or quirky to others is inspiration to me. I look for my object of beauty at unlikely places in waste bins and garbage dumps and transform the objects of my fancy into three-dimensional figurines. I love turning the everyday objects into interesting things. This is also my way to conserve nature by recycling different materials.

Mary Ann Dunn

Colors, pattern and the play of light have always intrigued me, especially around the Great Lakes and Michigan's many inland lakes. As a child and young adult, art meant visits to summer art fairs and an occasional museum. Not until I was well into adulthood did I begin to create visual art. The genesis for my painting came after my mother began watercolor painting at age 89. She told me I would find it relaxing. I resisted. After she died in 2008 and left behind a set of student grade watercolors and a tiny palette, I finally took her advice.  I enrolled in a watercolor class at our local arts council; I liked it enough to take a second - then a third.  Whenever possible, I continue to take classes and workshops with local and national painters. I love to see a story come alive, be it on traditional watercolor paper, Yupo or with batik. I earned a BA in English and Psychology from the University of Michigan and a Masters in Curriculum and Instruction from Michigan State University (talk about cognitive dissonance!).  My professional career included years as an educator, education consultant and management trainer. After decades living in the Southwest US, I returned to my native Michigan in 1997.  My husband and I live not far from the dunes, beaches and waters of Lake Michigan.

Jill Hamitlon

I am a native of Holland, Michigan. I developed a passion for photography and art while attending Kendall College of Art and Design in the 1990's. I bring vision and inspiration though my photographs and art with a blend of design, colors, and a unique composition. One of my favorite passions is sitting by the Lakeshore. My favorite words....."As I sit around the shores of Lake Mchigan, what strikes me is how magnificent the land is that God created. It is inspiring to know that people have settled here to create something unique and beautiful" 

Kelly Lynch

Kelly Lynch is a West Michigan Illustrator with a passion for nature and silly characters. She graduated from Kendall College of Art and Design in 2023 with a Bachelors in Fine Arts of Illustration. Kelly's art captures viewers hearts with children's book style and a vivid color palette in both acrylic and digital mediums.

LaVonne Marshall

LaVonne’s paintings and ceramics are infused with color and vitality. Inspired by nature and her rural surroundings, LaVonne paints from life and experiments with materials and media to achieve unique and wonderful works of art.

Born and raised in Michigan, LaVonne showed exceptional artistic talent at an early age. Growing up one of the youngest in a large family, she honed her skills as an observer and often used drawing and creating as a way to find stillness and grounding in a world that can be chaotic. Her practice continues to provide an oasis of comfort and grounding. After a few years as a professional cosmetologist, she decided to pursue her love for the visual arts and enrolled at Kendall College of Art and Design, an exclusive private college in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where she received a bachelor’s degree in fine art.

She met the love of her life during her time at Kendall, and together they created a family. She employed her artistic talents to promote literacy during her 17-year career as the Children’s Librarian at the Coopersville Area District Library. During her career at the library, she brought numerous artistic programs to local youth, using the power of art to engage children and youth in collaborative community programs. She eventually accepted the position as library director, where she used her unique gifts as a leader and an artist to create enthusiasm for a renovation of the library. She was instrumental in fostering community support for a millage that led to its expansion and renovation. She retired in 2020 and is now devoted to painting and working in her ceramic studio full time.

LaVonne has participated in many local juried exhibits, including Grand Rapids ArtPrize, Grand Rapids Festival of the Arts, Michigan Contemporary Art Exhibits at the Muskegon Museum of Art, and Celebration of the Arts - First United Methodist Church in Grand Rapids.

She was an active member of Black River Gallery in Holland, Michigan. Her ceramic work is represented at Moondrop Herbals in Standale. She and her husband, also an artist, have created 9265 Little House Art, a working studio and gallery space in Coopersville.

Lynne Boezaart

Lynne Boezaart has been an Ottawa County resident for all but the first year of her life.  And she's loved making art for almost as long.

Although not a formally trained artist, Lynne began taking her art-making seriously when she signed up to study with accomplished local painter and instructor Rob Michmerhuizen.  Since that time she's taken workshops and classes whenever she can.  In 2013 she formed Ottawa Shores Plein Air, and began painting regularly out-of-doors -  primarily in Ottawa County Parks.  Although the group has since disbanded, Lynne continues to paint in the parks with artist friends.  She seeks out quiet scenes to capture in oils whether working in the field or from photo references in the studio. Often the plein air works are not completed by the time the light changes, and so are finished in the studio.

Lynne's work can be seen at Gallery Uptown, 201 Washington, Downtown Grand Haven.

Patricia Dee

Patricia is a longtime resident of Grand Haven Michigan. She loves painting with Pastels and has been teaching art since 2009. Her love of place has caused her to capture glimpses of the surrounding area and presenting them with emotion and sensitivity. Whether it be an intimate interior, a luscious landscape, seascape, or the attitude of figures. She expresses them all with passion and skill. Her paintings are held in personal and commercial collections near and far. Patricia believes in growing her art and continues to work and studywith nationally known artists. Patricia hopes you enjoy her art as much as she enjoys painting them.