This year marks the NHS 75th anniversary and we want you to help celebrate this major milestone.

How it all began
When founded in 1948, the NHS was the first universal health system to be available to all, free at the point of delivery. Those principles remain as relevant, and valued, today as they did in the years after the Second World War.

Treating 1.3 million people a day in England, the NHS touches all our lives, and today we cannot imagine life without it. As we mark 75 years of the NHS, we look back on the achievements of our organisation, as well as looking ahead to the opportunities we have to shape the future. 75 years on, the NHS’s founding principles remain intact. The public still support having a national health service, with 94% of people agreeing that healthcare should be free of charge, 84% that care should be available to everyone, and 62% that the NHS made them most proud to be British.

Got a story to share?
Please contact the Communications team with your stories about working in the NHS. Have you spent all your working life in the NHS? Are you from a family that has a history of working in the NHS? Did you, or your family, travel to the UK to work in the NHS?

The team also want to hear from service users, carers and volunteers about what the NHS means to them.

Please get in touch if you are willing to share your story - only need a few details are needed and, if possible, a photo. Please email to find out more.