My Experience as a Dental Quality Assurance Commission Member
By Aaron Stevens, DMD
The deepest lessons in life are experiential and come at a price paid in effort and time.
The lessons I’ve learned while serving on the Dental Quality Assurance Commission fit that model. The time and effort required have been tremendous, not just by me, but by those around me, for which I thank them.
I started to list what serving here has cost, and quickly stopped. No one would do it if they knew the costs before they knew the payoff.
All that aside, here is why it is worth it:
Top to bottom, it is an education you simply can’t buy and can’t get any other way. I’m a better dentist in every way. My records are better. I know what cases to stay out of. I know better what red flags to look for in both patients and staff. I know better when to retire. I have a far clearer understanding of ethics. My patient communication and informed consent are better. I’m better at telling people “No.” My confidence in handling more challenging cases is better because I know where the lines are.
The cost: It takes time and effort and isn’t a fit for everyone at every stage of their lives. Plan on 25 hours a month or so. It used to take more travel. That part is in flux as the commission is changing its schedule with live vs. virtual meetings. You’ll write a lot. You’ll get to teach. The schedule shifts with short notice, especially with cases going to trial. You’ll probably be less popular with fellow dentists. There is a lot of email and phone calls. Cases that used to be on paper are now online, which is easier.
Take home: The cost for me was high, but I can’t imagine being without what I have learned. Good education should change you, and this has been transformational for me. If you have the space in your life, the willingness to put the public good first, and the dedication to leave the woodpile higher than you found it, please apply.