
Discovering locally grown ingredients just in time for Thanksgiving

With the release of the 2021 San Bernardino County Crop Report by the Department of Agriculture/Weights & Measures, it is clear that agriculture is a critical economic component of the county.

The report includes more than 249 commodities, which totaled to $350,857,419 for 2021. Crop values fluctuate year over year based on production, market fluctuations and weather conditions.

So what does this mean for the consumer and foodie? It means that most likely locally grown ingredients will find their way onto your table this Thanksgiving, or in fact, for any other meal.

Of the 249 commodities, the top three products are milk ($112,451,000), cattle ($55,941,000) and eggs ($50,526,000). The list also includes indoor decoratives, ranked fifth ($18,127,000) and citrus, ranked ninth ($11,814,000). The report also includes other crops, such as vegetable crops, fruit and nuts and nursery products.

Right, a worker with JM Produce sets up his stand outside the Arrowhead Regional Medical Center in Colton for its Farmers Market from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. every Wednesday. Photo courtesy of ARMC staff.

A man is seen behind a table with fresh eggs, fruits and vegetables at a Farmers Market at ARMC.

A glimpse into locally grown crops can be found at any one our certified Farmers Markets throughout the county.

From eggs, vegetables and fresh cut flowers, Farmers Markets offer a wide variety of locally grown produce and one-of-a-kind handcrafted items.

Farmers Markets’ vendors vary from location-to-location. For a full list of certified markets, visit

The programs the Department of Agriculture/Weights & Measures administers are essential to protecting the county’s agricultural resources. To view the 2021 Crop Report, visit