man walking dog on leash on grass with Amendments to the Animal Ordinance in text

Amendment to City Ordinance Title 6 Animals

On October 4, 2022, the Fremont City Council adopted amendments to the Title 6 Animal Ordinance. The revised ordinance went into effect on November 3, 2022.

The amendments to Title 6, clarify animal limitations for chickens and permit goat ownership in areas zoned residential. Shelter and shelter maintenance requirements for chickens and goats have been defined and clarified for residential areas to ensure the safety of the animals and to reduce any nuisance conditions to the surrounding community.

Amendments also include changes to stay current with changes in state law since the last Animals Ordinance amendments in 2018. The amendments incorporate changes to the antirabies vaccination age for dogs from four months in age to three months of age in alignment with California Health and Safety Code.

Additional amendments help enhance service for more community members. A new amendment gives the animal services manager discretion to waive redemption costs in cases of financial hardship if the fees would impose an economic hardship for the owner. The final amendment remedies an inconsistency between animal regulations regarding dog leash length in Title 6 Animals and Chapter 12.20 regarding parks. Title 6 will now align with FMC section 12.20.100, requiring dogs to be on a leash not to exceed six feet in parks and recreation areas.

The adopted ordinance can be viewed on our websiteThe Fremont Municipal Code Title 6 (Animals) will be updated to reflect these changes.

For questions, please send our staff an email.