mini pumpkins, cinnamon sticks, pumpkin latte in mug on wood table

Compost and Upcycle Your Halloween Pumpkin

Did you know that over a billion pumpkins end up in landfills every year? Instead of throwing your Halloween pumpkin in the garbage bin, compost your pumpkin and keep it out of the landfill. Use your green organics bin, and give your pumpkin a new purpose! Composting creates a rich fertilizer that can be used for gardening. It also reduces waste and greenhouse gas emissions. To learn more about composting, visit the City's Composting and Food Scraps webpage. To take action, visit the Composting Action on the Fremont Green Challenge.

To make the most of your pumpkin at home, Give Your Pumpkin a Second Life. Think about turning your decorative pumpkin into a delicious dish. Check out these recipes from

Check out more pumpkin recipes on