Why I Became a Public Member of the Dental Quality Assurance Commission

In 2019, as I was nearing retirement, a friend suggested I consider applying for the Public Member position on the Dental Quality Assurance Commission. She knew I trained as a dental assistant many years ago and felt I would enjoy serving.

After thinking about it for some time, I felt it would be a way to give back to my community and keep my fingers in the working world. I cannot say how much I have thoroughly enjoyed my experience working on the commission. I have learned so much from the people I serve with, as well as the staff members.

I now realize what an important part the commission has in protecting the public in Washington State.  We receive a variety of complaints ranging from infection control to personality issues. Based on the information provided, each complaint is reviewed, discussed and either opened for further investigation or closed. 

I would encourage anyone considering serving on a Board or Commission for the State of Washington to do so.

Thank you,

Marlynne Fulton

Dental Quality Assurance Commission

Public Member