Important 2022 BOSW Legislative Change to Supervision Requirements
2022 Legislative Session UpdateGovernor Signs into Law Changes to BOSW Supervision Requirements |
What is Changed?
Board of Social Work (BOSW) supervision requirements, found in MS 148E.100 to 148E.110, are amended to remove the limitation on "supervision via eye-to-eye electronic media”.
This change is effective for all license types including:
When is the Change Effective?
Effective date is June 3, 2022, the day following final enactment.
HF 4965, the final bill of the Health and Human Services Conference Committee, including BOSW amendments, was signed into law by Governor Walz on June 2, 2022 and is now included in 2022 Session Law Chapter 98.
How Was the Change Made?
NASW-MN Chapter initiated this legislative action during the 2022 session which was supported by the BOSW based on a 2021 recommendation from the BOSW Legislation & Rules Committee.
Why Was the Change Made?
In March 2020, the BOSW took formal action to approve a blanket variance under MS 148E.035 during COVID to temporarily remove the limitation on “supervision via eye-to-eye electronic media” to be responsive to the COVID impact.
Electronic media supervision has been occurring since March 2020 with no known negative consequences, providing a safe option to comply with supervision requirements while limiting risk of COVD exposure and allowing increased opportunities for licensees in rural communities with fewer licensing supervisors.
The current MS 148E.035 supervision variance was extended on January 21, 2022 to September 1, 2022. This variance is no longer necessary because of these changes to MS 148E.100 to MS 148E.110.