The PT Compact Privilege

The Physical Therapy Compact (PTC) is an agreement between member states that seeks to improve patient access to physical therapy services by way of mutual license recognition. As a member state to the PTC, Washington-licensed physical therapists (PTs) and physical therapy assistants (PTAs) may be eligible for a compact privilege, or authorization to work, in 34 additional jurisdictions* across the United States.

To obtain a compact privilege, eligible providers must meet the following criteria:

  1. Hold a valid, current PT or PTA license in the provider’s home state of residence. The home state of residence must be a member of the PTC, actively issuing and accepting compact privileges
  2. Hold a valid driver’s license proving permanent residency in the provider’s home state. For active duty military personnel or a military spouse, alternative home state definitions may include the individual’s current state of residence or the state of the duty station noted in “Permanent Change of Station” (PCS) orders.
  3. Must not have any active encumbrances or disciplinary action against any license for a period of at least two years

When it comes to holding a compact privilege, examples of some of the provider benefits include a) improving the ability of relocating military spouses to find suitable work with minimal regulatory barriers, b) ability to continue treating existing patients who are traveling for work or leisure, or who have relocated, to another member state through telehealth services, c) allowing for continued revenue generation potential for providers who may have seasonal residences in different member states or for those who want to accept a travel assignment.

For patients, working with a provider who holds compact privileges may allow for a) continuity of care in case of relocation or travel to another member state, b) access to qualified practitioners, particularly for those living in underserved areas or requiring specialty services, c) greater consumer options and potential for competitive pricing.

Additional benefits of the PTC include improved ability of each member state to protect the health and safety of patients through data-sharing. In the interest of public protection, provisions of the PT Compact require that, should disciplinary action be taken against a provider who holds compact privileges in any member jurisdiction, this information is reported to the state physical therapy board(s) for all other jurisdictions where the provider holds compact privileges.

To learn more about the PTC and obtaining compact privileges, providers can go to, Here, a provider will find a list of member states, the cost to obtain compact privileges in each state, and each state’s jurisprudence exam requirements.


*At the time of this newsletter, 25 states are currently issuing compact privileges. Nine states have enacted legislation but are not currently issuing privileges, and two states have introduced PT Compact legislation. Seventeen states or jurisdictions are considered non-member states.