Resolve to be Ready

By Daniel Gunduz, Region 2 National Preparedness Intern


2021 certainly has been a challenging year from a preparedness perspective. This past year has brought out the third most active and intense hurricane season on record and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has altered how we conduct our daily routines. The events which have unfolded in the year of 2021 have certainly reminded us all about the importance of preparedness. The addition of preparedness into our day-to-day lives is crucial as the impact of a hurricane, pandemic, etc. may be less harmful to those who resolve to be ready. After all failing to prepare is preparing to fail.

Preparing goes beyond simply having extra food and water. In the modern world, an emergency savings fund and the storing of important documents are just a few readiness techniques to ensure you and your loved ones are prepared for 2022. Revising your emergency plan to ensure all personal information is updated and keeping 2 weeks’ worth of food, water, and medications will make you better prepared for the upcoming year. Being a more preparation-minded individual will set you and your loved ones up for future success and ensure that you are in good standing to get through whatever may come your way in 2022. Below is a list of additional preparedness steps:

Being prepared not only reduces losses that may be associated with a disaster, but it also reduces fear and anxiety at an individual level. The entire perception of an event may be altered for those who take precautions and are well prepared. Preparation is a crucial part of our everyday life. To assist in helping everyone reach this preparedness goal in 2022, we will be highlighting one preparedness tip a month to focus on and our suggestions for implementing it in your plan. Make preparedness a part of your routine in 2022 and resolve to be ready.